Page 39 of Write or Wrong

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She also needed to deal with the Mandy issue.

“G, how would you handle it if one of your friends had slept with your boyfriend?”

Gregor’s look was glacial. “Obviously they were never my friend if they’d done that.”

“Fair point.”

“So, they’d be relegated to their proper place in my life. Back behind the velvet rope, boo.” He blinked his pale blue eyes at her. “Why? Who was it? One of the models?”

He and Kenna always referred to Zara’s rotating entourage as “the models” even though only a handful of them were actual models. But in this case, yes. Mandy was one of “the models” and also an actual model.

“Mandy,” she said.

Gregor twisted his mouth to the side and squinted. She recognized it as his way of holding back his true opinion on the matter. Which she could about guess.

But he couldn’t hold it very long.

“Biiiiitch,”he let out in a low hiss.

Zara snickered unexpectedly.

Gregor huffed and pulled out his tablet. “I assume she’s out, yes?”

And by “out,” she knew he meant more than out of her inner circle. Though, now that she thought about it, Mandy had never been in Zara’srealinner circle. None of the models were. Her inner circle was really just her dad and sibs. And Nash Ellis but only because he was sort of her mentor in the industry. And Nikki.


But Mandy was currently living in Zara’s London house. Had been for the past six months.

God, was she really such a doormat? Mandy in the London house, Logan in Calabasas. All of her friends knew they could stay at any of her places for as long as they wanted. Mandy had her own room in the penthouse where Zara currently stood.

“I think I need to make some changes to my open-door policy,” she said followed by a tired sigh, flopping down onto her couch.

Part of her wanted to run away.

To just pack a bag and go stay with her dad for a while to get away from all of it. But someone would find out where she was and she’d have to dip out again. Knowing that, she wouldn’t even be able to relax while there. She’d just be waiting for the other shoe to drop.

If she wasn’t careful, she could easily start to freak out.

And that wouldn’t help her at all.

“I’ll text Mandy tomorrow and tell her to move out. Wait three days and send her lawyer something official.”

“How long do you want to give her?” Gregor asked, making notes on his tablet.

Zara squinted one eye his direction. “I don’t know, like a month?”

She didn’t miss his tiny eyebrow lift and the jaw tick.

“Is that too much or not enough?”

He raised his eyes to her. “You want my opinion?”

“Always,” she answered easily.

He let out a vocal sigh. “I think a month is way too long. If it were me, I’d send Devan” (one of Zara’s security detail), “to see her freeloading ass to the curb tonight. But since this is you, maybe a week.” He shrugged, a small glint in his eye. “Or I can fly out tonight and do it myself.”

And he would.

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