Page 160 of Write or Wrong

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“How would buying that house help?” Zara asked. “If anything it would make it easier for people to find me. It would draw more attention to XY.” But the thought of owning the house where she and Asa had fallen in love sent a ripple of excitement through her.

Quinn shrugged. “Maybe. But the houses next door would sell. And so would the ones across the street. In fact, the entire block is a reasonable investment and you’d get a good price.”

“Buy a city block?” she scoffed, crossing her arms. But then the idea took hold in her head.

Buy a city block.

“What’s the point in having all the money in the world if you can’t use it to make your life what you want it to be? And you can live in one of my apartments while you make the needed updates to Lincoln Park. Such as reinforced windows and camera installation. Things of that nature. We can help set all that up of course.”

Zara’s gaze lost focus as she considered what he suggested. She rubbed a hand along her forehead, thinking.

But Quinn wasn’t finished. “You don’t have what you want? Then build it. Just like you’ve done with everything else. Make it happen.”

“That easy, huh?” she said with more than a little sarcasm.

“Yes,” he replied evenly. “Exactly that easy. Your rise to stardom wasn’t a fluke. Your peace of mind and happiness won’t be one either.”

She chewed on her lower lip as his words sank in.

He was right. She had never given up on something she wanted before, why would this be any different? And she knew without knowing how, she wouldn’t have to build it alone. She’d have Asa.

Her heart lit up like a Christmas tree at the thought of building something with him.

She didn’t have to go back to how it had been before him. He didn’t have to fit in her world because they could create a new one that fit both of them.

And they were really good at creating things together.




He let out a slow breath. “Okay,” he muttered under his breath.

He knew the place would be full of people. But it was still jarring to walk into the living room and have so many eyes turn his way.

And none of them were Zara.

“She and Cas had a meeting,” Gregor informed him, handing him a cup of coffee. “They’ll be back later.”

Asa took a sip. It had half and half already stirred into it. That wasn’t weird.

“Kenna has some questions for you when you’re ready,” Gregor said, indicating the blonde on the phone who held up a finger in their direction. “But I can make you some food first if you’re hungry.”

Asa took a deep breath, his head spinning. It wasn’t like he didn’t know that her professional life would completely steamroll himthe moment it returned. But he didn’t know if he could adapt that quickly. Especially since he didn’t know how she was doing.

Last night had been intense. Actually, intense wasn’t a strong enough word.

He wanted to check in with her, make sure she was okay. And he wanted to do that before he did anything else.

Though if she was with Cas, she was probably doing fine.

It wasn’t like she’d waited around for him to follow her. She had a whole team of people looking out for her. He was just…the guy she slept with.

Who was also hopelessly, uselessly, in love with her.

“I know it’s a lot,” Gregor said, dropping his voice. “I will try to make the transition as easy on you as possible.”

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