Page 24 of Simmering Heat

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“Yep.” She nodded, her heart speeding up when he reached for her hand to hold as they walked.

Chapter 14

“Hey, man!” Justin popped out of the kitchen with a smile. “I didn’t think you would be in until tomorrow after the call last night.”

“I’m not working today.” Leo nodded to his friend and fellow firefighter. “We’re just stopping by so my lady can drop off some cookies.”

When Justin looked behind Leo to see if there was another female present it almost made Jazz laugh. She couldn’t stop the smile that took over her face when his eyes fell to their linked hands, his expression finally showing that he had caught on to what Leo was implying.

“You and Jazz?” he asked with his brows raised.

“Yeah, you got a problem with that?” Leo’s voice had a slight edge to it at the question.

“Nah, man…you might want to fill Nix in though.” Justin raised his hands in peace.

“That’s what I came to do.”

At Leo’s words, Jazz realized why he had been so set on bringing her by with the cookies. Apparently, this was his chance to mark his territory. On any other day, she would have been annoyed but when it came to Leo, things were different.He was different.

Her response to him was like nothing she’d felt before. His alpha tendencies were turning her on, not off. The flickers of heat that accompanied his taking charge was unexpected considering she didn’t like it when anyone else did it. The men she’d dated before would have never even thought to try it. They’d all been puppets guided by her parents to give her what they wanted, not what she needed. They didn’t look at her, talk to her, or touch her the way Leo did.

It was wild.

“Good luck man, I think Nix had some high hopes tacked onto that little lady.” Justin nodded his head toward her.

“I highly doubt that, considering he hasn’t said more than ten words to me in the entire time I’ve known him,” she argued with a frown. “You guys gossip more than me and Winter do.”

Leo chuckled. “Sugar, there isn’t a whole lot a man has to say when he knows what he wants. I have a feeling Nix finally dragged his head out of his ass after last night and realized he had overlooked a gem right under his nose.”

“Pfft.” She blew out a raspberry, not buying it. “I have some cookies to deliver, where are the rest of the guys?”

“C’mon, sugar.” Leo gave her hand a squeeze where it was linked with his own. “I bet the guys are back in the rec room shooting the shit.”

Most of the guys were on a large leather sectional in the rec room while a few of the men were taking advantage of the weight machines in the corner of the large space.

“Hey, Leo,” Al greeted Leo as they walked into the room, not catching sight of Jazz until she cleared the doorway. “Jazz!”

At his words, almost all action stopped in the room for the men to yell out greetings.

“Hey guys,” she said with a small wave.

“What brings you by, man?” Al stood up to give Jazz a quick, fatherly hug. “Your next shift isn’t until Tuesday.”

“I know, but Jazz made some cookies that she wanted to drop off, so I thought we’d stop by before heading home.” His words rang through the large space, his meaning obvious.

A couple of the men nodded at Leo as if giving him the proverbial high five, while others simply raised their eyebrows in question.

“Cookies?” The men crowded around Al after Jazz handed off the cooler.

“These were the practice run for Winter’s bachelorette party,” she warned, trying not to laugh when the men got a look at what the container held.

“Those are dicks, man,” Al observed, looking at Leo.

“Not my doing.” Leo held up his hands with a laugh.

“I don’t know if I can eat a dick,” one man said before another laughed and volleyed back, “You do it all the time!”

Jazz tried to control her giggles when Al picked it up and sniffed it as if it would smell different from a regular sugar cookie. She leaned in close and whispered, “They are just shaped like penises, not scented like them.”

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