Page 142 of Write or Wrong

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“You shouldn’t have to do all that,” he said just above a whisper. “I’m so sorry.”

Her gaze dropped to the center of his chest and her shoulders slumped under his hands. “I’m afraid that it’s going to be those things, the things Ican’tcontrol that will make you…”

She didn’t finish. She didn’t need to.

“Hey,” he said, catching her chin with a finger and thumb. “I’m not stupid.” He cracked a smile. “I know who you are. I’m all in this with you. Both eyes open.”

He pressed a kiss to her forehead, trying to ignore the injustice of it all. She shouldn’t have to know how to do those things. She was a pop star, not a field medic.

“Whatever you want to do, I’ve got your back,” he said.

She glanced up at him, eyes round and curious with just enough hope to make his knees weak.

“This is your life. I trust you to make the right call.”

“Yeah?” she asked. “If we left, you’d come with me?”

He knew the answer before she’d even asked the question. Of course he’d go with her. He’d follow her to hell and back if she asked him to.

Maybe that was crazy.

But he didn’t think so.

He was pretty sure it was just what you did for someone you loved.


Don’t forget to send in your “celebrity sighting” every week! CelebX will post your pics online and tag your account. We couldn’t do our jobs without you!

One celeb to be on the lookout for is Zara Lorna. She hasn’t shown up in our inbox since last April. No one seems to know where she is these days. If you see her, let us know!




She could feel Cas and Devan’s worry like another member of her security team. They tried to hide it but they’d been with her too long. The whispers they thought she couldn’t hear. The way they gave her space but really created a wall of protection around her like a human prison.

Addressing it would only cause them to get defensive and ultimately feel helpless.

She understood it, on a fundamental level. They had a job they took very seriously. And it was good for her that they did.

But it was a constant reminder that her life wasn’t normal.

And sure, maybe “normal” was subjective. Like a goldfish in a bathtub, her life had grown to fit its container. The container being Earth. Which made her little goldfish career enormous.

It had gotten to a point that it was difficult to feel normal anymore.

Except for these few stolen months she’d had in Chicago with Asa.

For the first time in her life, she didn’t feel entirely alone at the center of the hurricane that was her life. She had someone with her. A partner who was both a best friend and a lover who reallysawher.

Asa was this incredible anchor, keeping her tethered to reality. But he was also a source of freedom that existed so far outside the limitations she’d been trying to survive in.

How could a person be both?

She didn’t know. But he was.

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