Page 106 of Write or Wrong

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ASA: do you have stuff to make cookies with your sister?

ZARA: Let me check

ZARA: No. We’re out of eggs. I wonder how that happened.

ASA: *angel emoji*

ASA: I’ll bring home cookie supplies tonight. Do you need anything else?

ZARA: No, my dad and Renata are going to the store later. They want to have a tamalada and I know they’re going to make too many because my dad is always worried about me not eating enough *eye roll emoji*

ASA: … what’s a tamalada?

ZARA: it’s a tamale making party. They’ll make like 100 and fill the freezer and leave town. They’ve done it before. And then Dad will call every other day to make sure I eat them and don’t let them go to waste.

ASA: I have tomorrow off

ZARA: you’re making tamales

ASA: yes I am


She loved her family. Like, really loved, down to the depths of her being, adored them.

But their timing could not have been worse.

Or maybe they’d showed up just in time, saving her from whatever was about to happen with Asa.

Because holy shitthat kiss.

How were his lips so soft? His mouth so warm and intoxicating?

She wanted more. She wanted to kiss him and kiss him and kiss him and then kiss him some more.

Kissing was her favorite. She’d forgotten that somewhere along the way. And she hadmissedkissing. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d been good and kissed. It could have been years. How sad was that?

What if he didn’t want the same? What if it had been wine and mixed signals and she had read into something that wasn’t there? Those were all the thoughts that had been racing through her mind the moment her lips had touched his and electricity had shot through her.

She had questions she didn’t want to ask with her family present. They would have to wait.

But for what it was worth, Asa wasn’t acting like he regretted it. She was going to take that as a good sign and try to be patient.

Their text exchange earlier solidified her belief that no matter how the conversation went about The Kiss, they were okay. He wasn’t freaking out and hiding.

She tried not to read into that either. But it was weird, right? He used to freak out all the time. The night of the NMAs he’d had a panic attack.

But kissing her hadn’t registered the same way?

No. Nope. Nu-uh. She wasn’t thinking about it. She wasn’t going to analyze any of it until she could talk to him.

Besides, every time she got lost in the memory of the kiss her sister threw something at her. The items had started soft: a sock, a scrunchie, a pillow. And were now getting more dangerous: the remote, an empty water bottle, a shoe.

She’d have plenty of time to relive it later. Or she assumed so. Her fam was only going to be there for two days. And who knew when they’d get uninterrupted time like this again? Between her schedule, her dad’s job, Renata’s job, and the media frenzy that could pop up at any time, they usually snuck in as many tiny visits a year as they could.

And she loved every single one of them.

Though she did find herself checking the time as it got closer to when Asa normally got home.

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