Page 33 of All Mixed Up

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Mostly, she just didn’t want to be done with the night, as weird as it sounded.

“You two are a beautiful couple, you know that?” Ryan said from the back window.

Nikki snorted. “You sure you got him?” she asked.

“He’s not the first party boy I’ve carried home,” André reassured her. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

“I’ll see you,” she said and went inside.

It wasn’t until she was in bed and almost asleep that she realized she hadn’t had to take any ibuprofen that night.




When he rolled out of bed the next day, it was in a very literal sense.

His muscles ached and groaned as he reached for his alarm.

Two days of cleaning out equipment in the studio lounge had left him sore in a way he hadn’t been in years. Though, he probably didn’t have to go as hard as he had.

It was just that Nikki was there, and the work was extensive and…

Okay, fine.

He’d wanted to impress her.

Stretching his arms over his head, he both heard and felt his back pop in three different places. Maybe carrying Ryan all over last night had had an effect as well. The man was deceptively heavy.

He liked Ryan, he did. Sweet guy.

But it killed him to think that’s who Nikki was dating these days.

She deserved someone who…

Well, it didn’t matter, did it?

She’d already mentioned Ryan wasn’t getting more than one more date. He’d wanted to ask more about that setup, but didn’t think she’d be too keen to discuss her dating habits with him.

He made his way to the bathroom where he brushed his teeth and shaved. He’d showered when he gotten home last night because he’d smelled like sweaty baseball fan and beer.

He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this tired.

Probably not since grad school.

Except he wasn’t in his twenties anymore. It took longer for his body to recover from the combination of physical laborandlack of sleep.

His phone buzzed and he picked it up off the nightstand.

Text from his sister.

SABINE: Um, Dad called?? I was sleeping and he didn’t leave a message. That’s a misdial, right?

André let out a noise that was half gag, half snarl. It wasn’t attractive.

He typed out a reply telling her to ignore it and tossed the phone on the bed so he could get dressed.

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