Page 63 of On the Wild Side

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“In more ways than one,” I reply with a wink and earn a laugh from her. “And thanks. I know he has to be starving.”

“There’s half a pan of lasagna here, some salad and bread, too. Listen, why don’t I keep Daisy through the weekend?”

“Erin, I know I’m horny and all, but you don’t have to do that.”

“I know I don’t, but really, she’s no trouble. If she wants to go home, I’ll let you know. Oh, and I’ll swing by after school tomorrow to grab her stuff from you.”

“Seriously, if you change your mind, no harm, no foul. And I’ll come get her Saturday afternoon. I don’t want to lose the whole weekend with her.”

“That works for us. We’ll just play it by ear. Is hestillin the shower?”

“I think it’s for mental health more than dirt.” I shrug, looking toward the bathroom. “It was a lot of peopling today.”

“Yeah, I get it. Rem is the same way. I think all the Wilds are just wired that way. Okay, have a fun night, and we’ll see you tomorrow.”

“Thanks, friend.”

As soon as I’ve closed the door and set the pan in the oven to keep it warm, my phone rings, and when I see who it is that’s calling, my blood runs cold.

How could Iforget? I’ve settled in so well here, become too comfortable, and it’s easy to forget that there’s a reason that I ended up in the Middle-of-Nowhere, Montana. And that forgetfulness isdangerous.I know better.


“Hey, Ms. Abbi, it’s Jerome. Been a while.”

“It has, yes.” I swallow hard at the sound of the private investigator’s voice, dread sitting heavy in my stomach. “I take it something’s happened?”

Please tell me she’s dead and I don’t have to worry anymore.

“It has.” His deep voice is thick with his North Carolina accent, and for about a heartbeat, it makes me just a little homesick. “It seems she’s started putting feelers out again, trying to find you. Lots of Google image searches. Now, you and Iboth know that your appearance has changed somewhat over the past six years, and I don’t think she’ll come up with a recent hit.”


“But she could. You know that I keep an eye on you, mostly so I might see something before she does.”

“Yes, I know, and I appreciate that.”

“And while you don’t have social media of your own, you’ve been in some photos recently. Your friends post photos, and it looks like you’re doing some important stuff there in the community.”

“I know, but like you said, they can’t tag me, and I don’t look the same. And Ineverlet images of Daisy show up online. My friends know that I don’t want that, and they’re very respectful of it.”

“That’s smart. Keep doing that. As of right now, I don’t see anything to be worried about, but I wanted to give you the heads-up, just in case something slips by me. How long do you plan to stay in Montana?”


The thought of leaving this town, where Daisy and I finally fit in and feel at home, is devastating.

But we’ve never stayed anywhere longer than a year.

Of course, that was before she was in school and made friends and we both became entrenched in a community that we love, and that loves us back.

“I don’t plan to leave any time soon. We’re very happy here, Jerome.”

He sighs on the other end of the line. “I’m happy for you, Abbi. I really am. You’re far enough away, and in a small enough town, that I think you’re fine. Like I said, I’ll keep my eyes and ears open.”

“Thank you. I really appreciate you. You’re doing well?”

“Yes, ma’am.” I hear the smile in his voice now. “I’m doing just fine. You go enjoy your evening.”

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