Page 3 of On the Wild Side

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Because she’s fucking beautiful. I want to have my way with her, and nothing good can come of that, so I have to keep my distance.

“Good job doing that,” I mutter as I finish in the shower and towel off. “Taking her kid somewhere is definitely not the way to stay away from the mom.”

I shake my head in disgust as I get dressed. I’m wearing a goddamnsuittonight. I usually only do that for weddings and funerals.

And yet, here I am, the consummate bachelor, taking a little girl to her dance.

My phone pings with a text, and I see that it’s Abbi.

Abbi: Hey! The snow is really coming down here. We understand if you don’t want to brave the roads to come all the way into town from the ranch tonight. It might not be safe.

I smirk. I’ve been driving into town from this ranch for half my life. Sure, I’ll take it easy, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.

Me: I’ll be there in an hour.

The bubble bounces, then stops for several seconds before it comes back, as if she doesn’t know what to say.

Abbi: Okay, we will see you soon. Please be careful.

After I tie my purple tie—Daisy was sure to let me know that she’d be wearing her favorite color,purple, to the dance—I grab my black Stetson and head out. Of course, I have a stop to make before I get to Abbi’s place.

Abbi was right; the roads into town are a bitch. I have to slow way down because it’s hard to see through the blowing snow, but I reach Bitterroot Valley without a mishap.

And just before my sister-in-law, Summer, closes her flower shop for the day.

“I just caught you.” I grin at Summer as I walk into her store. “Sorry, would have been here sooner, but the roads were shit. Hey, Chase.”

My brother, Chase, is standing by the counter, obviously waiting for his wife to finish working for the day.

“It’s bad enough out there that I’m taking Summer home with me, and we’ll get her car tomorrow,” Chase says.

“Good idea. That bend at Half Moon is icy. Be careful.”

“Will do,” Chase says with a nod.

“I have your flowers ready,” Summer says with a big grin and hurries into the big walk-in refrigerator where she keeps the flowers. She returns with a clear plastic box holding a corsageof purple roses and a bouquet of pink and orange flowers whose name is completely lost on me.

“Nice,” Chase says with a grin. “All of that for Daisy?”

“Fuck off,” I warn him, but my brother’s smile only grows. “I can’t take flowers to one and not the other.”

“Right, ‘cause that would be rude,” Chase says, and Summer rolls her eyes.

“Be nice to your brother,” she tells her husband. “He’s doing a really fun, cute thing for that little girl.”

“Yeah,” I agree, making Chase laugh.

“Itisnice of you,” he concedes. “And you look…spiffy.”

“I don’t want to have to punch you and get blood all over my outfit.”

“I’m in uniform,” he points out. “I don’t want to have to arrest you for assaulting an officer.”

I smirk and pay Summer for the flowers.

“Be careful out there,” I call out to them as I walk to the door.

“Have fun,” Summer calls back.

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