Page 129 of On the Wild Side

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“We’re fine,” Charlie assures me. “Let’s just get this day over with so we can get on with our lives.”

Darby and Alex haven’t said a word, but I know they’re nervous.

“No matter what happens here today,” I assure them all, “we’ll make it right. I promise.”

I look at Dad’s attorney and nod.

“Thanks for meeting me today,” he says, after clearing his throat. “This shouldn’t take too long. I’m going to read the will, and then I’m happy to answer any questions.”

He clears his throat again.

“I, Lawrence Lexington, being of sound mind and body, do declare this my last will and testament. I leave each of my four daughters, Danielle, Darby, Charlie, and Alex, each ten thousand dollars.”

Each of my sisters gasps, and I already want to punch a dead man.

“To my son, Holden, I leave the rest of my worldly belongings. My ranch, livestock and equipment, the buildings and land, in its entirety, valued at five million dollars. I also leave all of my bank accounts, valued at three million dollars.”

I’m shaking my head, pressing my fingertips to my eyeballs.

“With the following stipulation.”

Now my head comes up again, and Charlie takes my hand in hers, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

“Holden must marry within sixty days of the reading of this will and stay married for one year. If he fails to do so, the entire inheritance will be sold, and the money will be donated to the following charities.”

He reads through a list of bullshit charities that no one has ever heard of, and I’m just shaking my head.

That son of a bitch.

That motherfucker.

That pitiful excuse for a human being.

“Do you have any questions?” the attorney asks.

“No.” I stand, and my sisters stand with me. “Do we need to sign anything?”

“Yes, there is paperwork, but each of you can come in when it’s convenient for you to finish up.”

“Great.” I turn to my sisters and try to offer them a smile. “Team meeting?”

“Right now,” Charlie says, nodding. “Sir, can we use this room?”

“Of course, take your time.” He gathers his papers and leaves, closing the door behind him.

“That son of a bitch,” Dani says, shaking her head.

“I’m going to make sure you each get a hell of a lot more than ten grand.”

“We don’t care about the money,” Darby says with a scowl. “Dad didn’t give a shit about us. I’m surprised he left us anything at all.”

“He left what we’d consider aninsult,” Alex says with a smirk. “And he’s right. It is. Fuck his money. He can go to hell.”

“Hopefully, he’s burning down there,” Charlie agrees. “But to demand that Holden has to get married in order to inherit what’s rightfully his? That’s insane. He can’t do that.”

“Pretty sure he can,” I reply grimly.

It’s just another way for him to dick with me. To make me pay. Hell, to be in control. He probably thought that I’d never marry, so I wouldn’t inherit, and I’d be shit out of luck.

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