Page 72 of Wings of Destiny

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I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Captain Creepy. Just a damn ray of sunshine.”

“I prefer to consider myself realistic,” Josh retorted, the corner of his lip twitched

“I prefer to consider you annoying,” I mumbled.

“Two different perspectives. Although mine is the correct one.”

I rolled my head in his direction, shooting him a dirty look, and flipped him off.

“You may deem me annoying, Miss Snow, but you’ve entered into a whole new realm that you know very little about. Which is particularly why I sought you out this morning.”

So, you were following me then. Creep.

I ignored him as he pulled into a vast parking garage attached to one of the largest buildings along the cityscape. We’d been in his car for well over an hour and the closest city to my little college town was Charshire. I pulled up the GPS on my phone to verify if that’s where we were, lo and behold the little blue dot in the center of my screen pinpointed us in the heart of downtown. With no way to hightail it back to Seth’s on my own, I was stuck following Prissy Pants around until he either got bored of me or finished his ‘errands.’

Josh parked in the spot closest to the walkway that led into the building. I peered at the sign through the windshield,Reservedbarely visible. I leaned forward in an attempt to make out the text below.

The passenger door swung open, and I jumped. I grumbled a thanks, grabbing Josh’s hand as he helped me out of the car. He shut the door, considerably more graceful than when I’d slammed it earlier.

“Wouldn’t want you to break the door off of its hinges, Miss Snow, with your developing and untrained strength.”

“Wouldn’t want to hurt your ego,” I clipped. Twirling on my heel, I rolled my shoulders back, stuck my chest out, and lifted my chin, sashaying in the direction of the walkway. My messy bun thumping against the nap of my neck, loose hairs fanning out to the side of my head. I thanked the gods that the toe of myrunning shoes hadn’t caught on the curb leading up and sent me face planting right into the concrete.

Looks like someone might be on my side, for the moment.

Josh followed silently behind me. Until I remembered I had no clue where we were going. I forced myself to fall back so that I was in step with Josh.

The heel of his Oxfords clacked against the porcelain-tiled floor as we strode through the lobby and into the elevator encased in frosted glass on the side opposite from where we entered. The ride up remained silent as well, to the seventy-eighth floor. The elevator dinged and the doors slid open.

I followed Josh out. We were greeted by double-wide glass doors, windows on either side of them spanned the entirety of the floor. I kept my expression neutral as I took in the white floors, polished so intensely that I could see our reflections. The walls and ceiling matched, both beautiful and sterile. Through the glass doors stood a single large reception desk; the sides an equally blinding pearl with a slab of grey granite rested on top.

We passed by the empty reception area and down a hallway lined with abstract paintings of various shades of blues and reds, greens and yellows, morphed wing-like shapes.

I halted. A piece near the end of the hall caught my attention. The background had been painted a deep purple that faded into a charcoal on the outer edges of the canvas. Merlot splattered in the center outlining a body, wings spread from its back. Each feather meticulously painted. I peered closer. Within the body, was the shadow of a long sword slit through its center, a black pit puddling at its knees.

“Haunting, isn’t it?” Josh said, his breath tickling my ear, causing me to jump.

“That’s uh, one way to put it.” I shivered. A thought crossed my mind, curious if it were based on reality.

I wonder where it came from, who the artist is.

Josh led me to the end of the hall, framed by two mahogany doors spanning the entirety of the wall. It stood wildly out of place from the remaining parts of the office. He pulled a wrought iron key the size of his hand from his pants pocket, inserting it into the lock and twisting it.

How in the hell did he hide that thing in there?

It’s massive.

I quirked my eyebrow as the door creaked open. The room was covered in shadow. A single overhead light illuminated the center of the room, casting a spotlight. A lonely metal chair stood within it.

And in that chair, sat a Demon.

Chapter twenty-three


I held her face in my hands, beautiful eyes staring into mine. My heart thrummed in my chest. This was it. Her eyelids fluttered closed as I leaned in. Her lips met mine, softer than I could’ve ever imagined. So lush, tasting of honey. Her lips parted, allowing me access. My tongue darted inward, dancing with hers.

“I love you,” I rushed out, breathlessly.

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