Page 6 of Oliver

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“Hey,” he says, coming over to me with a grin on his face. “You stayed. Does that mean you’ll come home with me?”

I nod.

His smile grows wider, and I can’t help smiling back. “Give it a couple of minutes and then come find me in the parking lot.”

I nod again. When he emerges from behind the bar and heads around the corner I wait the allotted amount of time and then leave some cash on the bar before grabbing my suit jacket off the back of the chair and heading towards the door.

I spot him in the car park, standing next to an older, gray Hyundai Elantra, the paint peeling off the bumper, and the passenger side mirror missing, his smile just as wide as before. He’s wearing a striking leather jacket over his work clothes now and it makes him look a little bit older, and a hell of lot sexier.

“Ready?” he says. “I know it’s nothing fancy, but it works.” He gestures to the car. “Wanna follow me?” He turns around and opens the driver’s side door. I should be telling someone what I’m doing, right? But I can’t. Who do I tell that I’m going to a relative stranger’s house to fuck when I’m in a relationship?God, I’m being stupid. I’ve never been so impulsive and careless, but tonight seems to be my night for it.

I nod and take my keys from my pocket, pressing the keyfob and making the lights flash. “Of course you have a Bentley,” he says, but there’s no disdain in his voice, and I think I even detect a small smile. I flush. “See you there?”

I nod, then head towards my car as he climbs into his. He waits until he knows I’m able to follow and pulls out of the car park.

Christ, what the fuck am I doing?


Ten minutes later, I’m pulling into the parking lot of my apartment complex, and a second after that, London pulls up beside me in his Bentley.

I climb out of my car and he follows, looking around. He seems a bit unsure and I don’t really blame him. I have a feeling this isn’t the kind of area he is accustomed to. It’s not bad, but it’s not upscale either. I notice that his suit jacket is still missing, and he’s removed his tie, the top couple of buttons on his dress shirt undone, giving me a peak at his ivory chest and the dusting of auburn hair scattered across it. My cock jerks at the idea of burying my face in that hair and inhaling his scent.

“You alright?” I ask. “I know it’s not Scarsdale, but it’s safe.”

He nods and then follows me inside and up the stairs to the third floor.

“Is there not a bloody lift in this place?” he asks, his breaths coming heavier as we reach the third floor hallway.

I chuckle. “You tired, old man? I knew you were older than me, but I didn’t think you were that old.”

He narrows his eyes at me in a way that is more endearing than anything else and I laugh again. “Sod off,” he replies, and I laugh more.

“My roommates are out,” I tell him, stopping in front of the apartment I share with two other guys. “So you can be as loud as you want.” I wink and he flushes bright pink.

“You enjoy flustering me, don’t you?” he says.

“Maybe,” I admit. Then glance down at his lips. My cock jerks again and suddenly I am a lot more eager to get inside than I was thirty seconds ago. I turn the key in the lock and and as soon as I hear it click I push the door open, grabbing his arm and pulling him in after me.

“Fuck,” he curses as he trips slightly, and I laugh as I close the door and lock it. Then I’m gripping him and shoving him so his back is against it.

“Sorry, handsome,” I purr, then take his mouth with mine again. I kiss him hungrily, my tongue sliding inside that warm, wet heat and making me groan before I pull back. “You do things to me.”

“Likewise,” he murmurs, his pupils dilated and his voice that deep rumble that tells me he’s as horny as I am. I feel his dick twitching against my thigh.

“Mmmmm,” I groan, as I reach down to stroke him through his pants. He hisses and pulls my face to his again, pressing his lips against mine as he thrusts into my hand. Fuck, that’s hot.

“Bedroom,” I say, pulling away. I slide my shoes off, leaving them by the door. He does the same, before I am taking his hand and pulling him down the hall towards my room. I don’t bother turning any lights on on the way. I don’t give a fuck, and the only thing I want right now is to have him underneath me. I flip the light switch once we get to my room and the lamp on the bedside table turns on, casting a warm glow over the space. It’s perfect.

Gripping his face in my palms, I kiss him feverishly for several seconds before pulling away. “Strip,” I tell him, and he listens, sliding out of his dress pants and shirt as I slip my jacket off and toss it aside, then pull my T-shirt over my head and undo my jeans.

Seconds later we’re both standing there naked and my cock jerks at the sight of him, precum oozing out and sliding down my shaft. “God, you’re sexy,” I say, and he bites his lip. It’s the most adorable thing ever. His cock is deliciously hard and his own precum leaks out, making my mouth water once again at the memory of what he tastes like. Now that he’s got his shirt off I have a perfect view of the smattering of auburn chest hair across his pecs and abdomen, and as I move closer I see the dusting of freckles along his shoulders and arms.

“Fuck, London, you make me so damn hard,” I growl as I grip his hair and tilt his head slightly, slotting my lips against his again. He moans in my mouth as our cocks press together when I shove him against the door once more. I take both of us in my hand and start to stroke us together, using our precum as lube. He’s so big I can barely get my hand around both of us. He moans and whimpers into my mouth as I work both of our shafts, the feeling of his naked cock against mine utterly sinful, and I kiss him harder, my tongue sliding even further into his mouth. I suck and lick, and he grips my hair in turn, kissing me back just as fiercely.

“Hmmm, nggg,” he whines and I pull back. “Stop, please,” he pants. “I don’t want to come yet.”

I grin and release him, but continue to stroke myself as he watches, his eyes darkening as he licks his lips. “You want this, beautiful?” He nods. “On the bed, then,” I order, and he moves instantly. God, it turns me on to have him obeying me. I’ve always loved being in charge in bed. It’s not a requirement but I certainly prefer it.

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