Page 4 of Oliver

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“I’m very good,” he says, his voice seductive in a way that makes me shiver.

“I’m sure you are,” I reply before I can stop myself, and he chuckles, making my cheeks flame for the millionth time in the last twenty minutes.

“Well,” he says, “I’m gonna go serve my other customers. You let me know if there’s anything I can do for you.” He leans closer and beckons with his finger for me to do the same. I find myself not even hesitating, and we’re so close that his mouth is right next to my ear when he says, “And I do mean anything, gorgeous.” Then he stands and winks at me, before walking away.

Bloody hell.


Damn, what is it about that guy?

I have to try really hard not to look back at the sexy British man as I serve the other guests at the counter. I’ve never been so instantly captivated by someone, but one look at him and I was a goner. Then he opened that sexy as fuck mouth and I thought my legs might give out. Damn, as if his body wasn’t gorgeous enough with those auburn waves, cobalt eyes and the freckles dusted across his nose and cheeks, he has to have the sexiest voice in the goddamn universe. I’ve always been a sucker for British accents and his is fucking perfection.

He didn’t quite seem to know what to do with me, did he? I smile at the thought as I remember him choking on his drink and his eyes widening so far I thought they might pop out of his head when I propositioned him. Fuck, he’s fun to flirt with. The way his cheeks flush and he stumbles over his words, it’s addicting.

I can feel his eyes on me as I move around, and turn to give him a quick wink before returning to my work. I grin when I see that flush creeping up his lightly stubbled cheeks again, as he runs his fingers through those thick waves. God, I want to get my hands in that hair, grip it, tug it, slide my fingers through it and feel how fucking soft it must be. I can tell by looking at him he has money. The suit and watch alone must cost more than my fucking car. That’s not saying a whole lot cause my car is a piece of junk, but, if that’s the case, I know whatever he wears in his hair is just as extravagant. Damn, he smells incredible too. Like vanilla and gingerbread.

I want him more than I think I’ve wanted anyone, but I won’t mention hooking up again. I’m tempted to, but I’m not pushy, and he knows I’m available if he decides he wants me, too. Consent is important to me in anyone I fuck.

Chances are he won’t be back any time soon, or at all if he lives an hour away. This is probably my only chance to know what those full lips would feel like against mine. What it would be like to hold his cheeks in my hands and feel his stubble under my palms.

Why does the thought of never seeing him again make my chest ache when I don’t even know him and all he is is a potential hook up?

I don’t date. Life is too crazy for that right now, but being in my junior year of college and having the course load that I do, on top of this job, I need a way to unwind sometimes. Normally I don’t have any trouble finding someone to fuck, and I’m pretty sure I could take home just about any guy here. Well, any not-straight guy. It’s not a gay bar, but it pays well and I enjoy it enough.

The thing is though, I don’t want just any guy. I want him. In all of his awkward adorableness. He’s got to be at least ten years older than my twenty-one years, but I’ve always liked more mature men.

“Hey, we’re running low on chips,” my coworker Jordan tells me, as he mixes a customer’s drink.


He shrugs.

“I got it,” I say and head back to the storeroom that’s around the corner and down the hall. I’ve just grabbed the chips when I hear the door opening and closing. I don’t turn to see who it is right away. “Dude, I said I had it.”

When there’s no reply I turn my head, and don’t even have a chance to speak again before soft, warm hands are gripping my face and full, wet lips press to mine.

I grunt, then groan before I grip the other man’s hair, pulling him back. His face is flushed, his freckles standing out even more against his ivory skin, and his pupils are blown wide as his chest rises and falls. Fuck.

“You’re not allowed back here,” I tell him, my voice husky.

“Shall I leave, then?” His breaths are coming heavier, and my cock jerks at how sexy his voice sounds when he’s turned on.

“Fuck, no,” I growl, the chips falling to the floor as I grip his face in my palm, my other hand still holding tightly to his silky hair, and press my lips to his. He moans and the sound goes straight to my cock. I’m hard in an instant as his lips move against mine. I kiss him harder, wanting to hear more of those sexy as fuck noises, and he doesn’t disappoint. He’s so fucking eager it’s turning me on even more.


I spin him around and press him up against the wall, still gripping his hair. He grunts and I feel his cock thickening against my thigh as I continue to kiss him. God, he feels huge, and my own cock jerks again, my mouth watering at the thought of having his dick in my mouth.

I slide my leg between his and he moans when his cock comes in contact with my thigh. My tongue slides along his lower lip and he opens for me, making my cock throb at the taste of pineapple, orange juice, and coconut filling my mouth.

“Fuck, you’re delicious,” I say, pulling away. His hair is a mess from having my fingers in it and his lips are spit slicked and swollen from my kisses. His blue eyes are so dark they look almost black in the dim light of the storeroom. Sweat is beaded on his forehead and neck and it’s the fucking hottest thing I’ve ever seen.

I lick along his lip, then slide my tongue in his mouth again and shift slightly as I grip his wrists, pinning them above his head as our cocks align. He groans into my mouth and ruts against me, and fucking hell, I love it. Love that he is so desperate and is letting me take control.

“Damn, London, you’re going to be the death of me,” I murmur into his ear as we both thrust our hips, the friction of our cocks through our pants fucking delicious. I kiss his jaw right below his ear and he shudders. I make my way down to his chin, pressing kisses, and he tilts his neck back on a moan, granting me access. He gasps, and jerks his hips against me as I lick a stripe up his neck, pausing momentarily to nibble on his Adam’s apple, before sliding my tongue up his chin and capturing his lips with mine again, both of us moaning into the kiss.

“Nnnnggg,” he whimpers, and God, I’m so damn hard, my cock is leaking like crazy. I devour his mouth for several more moments before pulling away. If we keep at this I’m going to come in my pants. Especially if he keeps making those noises.

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