Page 11 of Zero

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“Watch it.”

I stopped quickly before I ran into a woman.

“I’m so sorry,” I said, looking up at her.

It was the fortune teller. Miss-matched colored eyes held my attention.

“It’s alright, I had to make sure I ran into you,” she said. “It was a risk that we might collide.”

She shrugged. Shivers danced up my spine.

“So, it’s true, you can see the future?” I looked away from her gaze.

“I see the possibility of different futures,” she said, pushing my face back to see her. “I see that you, King and Boogie are good for each other.”

“Wait, did you say King and Boogie?” I knew those names, everyone around here knew them, but I didn’t think I would run into them.

“I see you know who they are,” she said, studying me.

I nodded.

“Well, you have two choices, leave and stay in the life that has been thrust upon you, or go to that cemetery and have a great night, one you will remember for the rest of your life. They will let you be who you have always wanted to be. They will give you what you’ve always wanted.” She caressed my cheek.

“I can’t stay now that I know who they are,” I said.

“It’s a smart decision,” she said. “King and Boogie are ruthless, but with you, I see them differently. Have a good night, Ally.”

How the hell did she know my name? She walked back into her tent, and I realized she had a long line of people waiting for her. Why did she come out for me? I walked a few steps before turning around to look at her tent.

They will let you be who you have always wanted to be. They will give you what you’ve always wanted.

I wanted that, I wanted to be someone else for the night, leave behind Ally and be the woman I craved to be. Tomorrow, I would go back to my meager existence but I would always have tonight.

Grabbing my ticket for the cemetery, I made my way over there. My hands started to shake… from nerves? Or was it excitement? My heart was beating so fast, I couldn’t tell between my emotions.

My skin erupted in goosebumps. Someone was watching me again, but it wasn’t them. I don’t know how I knew it wasn’t them, but I did. The cemetery was around the corner, giving me a chance to sneak a look behind me.

No one was there.

My body shivered, a sliver of fear adding to my already overloaded emotions. A group of people were at the entrance,and I made my way over there. A few people nodded at me as I walked up to wait for the tour guide.

A woman dressed like Bellatrix Lestrange walked up to us, getting everyone together to start the tour. She grabbed our tickets before starting to talk about the area we were in. I stopped listening when I felt their stare. This was it.

I couldn’t help but smile as the group walked forward. Anticipation made me antsy, but I loved being on edge. My expectation was they would come forward, but as the tour moved on, nothing happened. The feeling of being watched never went away. I don’t know what they were waiting for, so I figured I’d give them a nudge.

I dropped my ticket on the ground bending over to grab it, the cool October air cooling my overheated pussy. Slowly coming back up, I caught up with the group as she talked about murders in the area.

The snap of twigs caught my attention to the left and I looked for any sign of them. I knew one of them was over there until I was yanked to my right. I screamed, but a hand covered my mouth, picking me up and I thrashed, hoping to make this harder for them.

They pushed me against the tree, and I got my look at Boogie and King right behind him. Just being so close to these men should have made me want to scream and run away, it just added to their appeal. I was seriously fucked up.

“I see you finally found me,” I taunted. “Took you long enough.”

Boogie growled, at least I assumed the man with the burlap mask was Boogie and King was the skeleton. I mean, after all, he was the one who was in charge of Halloween Town.

“Doll, you’re too cheeky for your own good,” King purred. “I think you need to be punished for your disappearing act.”

“It’s not my fault you weren’t ready for me,” I snapped. “What made you think I was this helpless little girl?”

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