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I don't just want them to complete their marks, I want them to completeme. Us.

Deep down, I know it's not going to be complete unless and until it's Damien, too, but that might never happen, so I push the thought aside and try to focus on what I have right now. On the three of them.

Lake growls, his hands sliding up my thighs. "We've got you, baby girl. Let us take care of you. We'll give you everything you need."

They move as one, repositioning me so I'm straddling Lake's lap. His cock presses against my entrance, hot and hard. I sink down onto him with a gasp, relishing the stretch and fullness.

"That's it," Lake groans, his hands gripping my hips. "Take me deep, sweetheart. You're so perfect, so tight and wet for us."

I roll my hips, grinding against him as Asher kneels behind me. His hands cup my breasts, thumbs brushing over mynipples. I lean back against his chest, my head falling onto his shoulder. The dual stimulation sends even more sparks shooting through me.

"So beautiful," Asher murmurs, his lips trailing along my neck. "Our perfect omega. Look at you, taking Lake so well. You were made for this, weren't you? Made for us."

Cole watches from beside us, his eyes dark with lust. "She is perfect, isn't she?" he agrees, reaching out to stroke my cheek. "Look at how well she takes Lake's cock. Our gorgeous, insatiable little omega."

I flush at his words, a mixture of embarrassment and arousal coursing through me. Lake thrusts up, hitting a spot deep inside that makes me cry out. It’s almost too much, overwhelming in its intensity.

"That's it, baby," Lake encourages. "Let us hear you. Don't hold back. We want to hear every beautiful sound."

Asher's hand slides down my soft curves, his fingers finding my clit. He rubs slow circles, building the pressure as Lake continues to thrust into me. The combination of sensations is maddening, pushing me higher and higher.

"Oh god," I moan, my hips bucking. "Please, I need... I need..."

"What do you need, sweetheart?" Asher asks, his voice low and seductive in my ear. "Tell us. We'll give you anything you want. Anything at all."

"More," I gasp, my body trembling with need. "I need more. All of you. Your knots. Please, I can't... I need..."

Lake groans, his pace increasing. "Fuck, Evie. You beg so prettily for us, baby girl."

"I love it," Cole says with a grin, his hand joining Asher's between my legs. "Our omega is so hungry for our knots, isn't she?"

Asher chuckles, his fingers never ceasing their torturous circles. "I think we can arrange that. Would you like that, baby? Both me and Lake inside you at once?"

The thought sends a fresh wave of arousal through me. I nod frantically, beyond words at this point. Asher shifts behind me, and I feel the blunt head of his cock pressing against my entrance where Lake is already buried. My breath catches in my throat, a mixture of anticipation and nervousness flooding through me.

"Is this okay?" Asher asks softly, ever attentive to my needs. "We don't have to if you're not ready. We can wait."

I shake my head, pushing back against him. "No, please. I want to feel you both. I need it. Need you."

Slowly, carefully, Asher pushes inside, too. The stretch is intense, bordering on painful, but the fullness is exquisite. I pant, adjusting to the sensation of having both of them inside me. The nest seems to cradle us even more, providing support and comfort as we join together.

"Breathe, baby," Cole murmurs, stroking my hair. "That's it. You're doing so well. You're amazing, taking both of them like this. Our perfect, beautiful omega."

Once I've relaxed, Asher and Lake begin to move. They find a rhythm, one pushing in as the other pulls out. The dual stimulation is overwhelming, fire building rapidly in my core. I feel like I'm floating, lost in a sea of sensation.

"Oh fuck," I cry out, my body trembling. "It's so much. So good. Please, don't stop."

"We've got you, Evie," Lake reassures me, his hands caressing my sides. There's a look of pure adoration in his gaze as I ride them both, like he can't believe it's real.

That makes two of us.

Cole leans in, capturing my lips in a fierce kiss. "That's our girl," he says against my mouth. "Taking both of them so beautifully. You're incredible, you know that? So perfect for us."

His praise sends a thrill through me, and I clench around Lake and Asher. They groan in unison, their thrusts becoming more erratic as they move inside me. It’s all building to a fever pitch, my entire body thrumming with need.

"Evie," Asher pants, his grip on my hips tightening. "I'm close. Can I... can we knot you? Both of us?"

I nod frantically, beyond words at this point. It’s all-consuming, every nerve ending alight with sensation. "Yes," I manage to gasp. "Please, knot me. Both of you. I need it. Need to feel you."

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