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Anger flashes across her face, hot and bright. "Fuck. Them. Fuck the whole pack. They're the ones who should be ashamed, not you. Leaving you half-marked like that? And for this long? Unforgivable."

I bite my lip, a question burning on my tongue. "Where are they?"

Addison's jaw clenches. "Outside. They've been camped there all night, refusing to budge."

Surprise flutters through me. "All of them?"

She nods grudgingly. "Yeah. Even Damien. Though he may be sporting a few new bruises, courtesy of yours truly."

A startled giggle escapes me, but it quickly fades. "And my parents? Are they...?"

Addison's silence is the only answer I need.

Of course they're not here. Why would they be? They never cared enough to show up when I actually needed them before. Why start now?

The sting of their absence is a familiar pain, but it cuts deeper this time. Sharper. Because this time, I almost died. And they still couldn't be bothered.

Addison squeezes my hand, her eyes soft with understanding. "I'm going to go get the doctor, okay? I'll be right back."

She slips out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. They swirl and churn, a tangle of emotions I can't even begin to untangle. Anger, hurt, embarrassment, fear... they all bleed together, a toxic cocktail that makes my head spin.

The door opens and Addison returns, a tall man in a white coat following behind her. He offers me a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Miss Blackwood, it's good to see you awake. You gave us quite a scare."

"So I've heard," I mutter, picking at a loose thread on the thin hospital blanket.

He checks my vitals, making notes on his clipboard. But when he's finished, he doesn't leave. Instead, he settles into the chair beside my bed, his expression growing serious.

"Miss Blackwood, I know you're tired, but there are some things we need to discuss. When you're feeling better, of course."

I tense, my fingers curling into the scratchy hospital blankets. "Like what?"

He hesitates, glancing at the door. "I know your pack is outside. Would you like me to have them removed? This is a safe place, Miss Blackwood. You can tell me if you're in any danger. If they've been mistreating you..."

I almost laugh. Mistreating me? That's the understatement of the century. But I shake my head. "No. They can stay."

The doctor frowns, clearly unconvinced. "Are you sure? You don't have to protect them."

"I'm not," I say, my voice firm despite the waver of exhaustion. "They're not a threat to me. Not physically, anyway."

He sighs, but nods. "Very well. But I want you to know that I will have to report this to the Council. You almost died, Miss Blackwood. That's not something I can ignore."

Panic surges through me, hot and choking. "No! Please, you can't!"

The thought of this going public, of everyone knowing what happened... it's too much. The pity, the scorn, the whispers that would follow me for the rest of my life.

The doctor holds up a placating hand. "We can discuss it again before you're released. But for now, your alphas have requested an audience with you. Only if you're feeling up to it, of course."

I hesitate, my heart pounding against my rib cage. Can I handle facing them, after everything?

But I need answers. Need to know where I stand, what happens now. So I nod, steeling myself. "Okay. Send them in."

Addison shoots me a worried look. "Are you sure, babes? I can make sure they fuck off if you want."

A weak laugh bubbles up my throat. "I'm sure. But stay close, yeah? In case I need you to go all mama bear on their asses."

She flashes a grin, flexing her unimpressive bicep. "You know it. I'll be right outside, ready to pounce."

She follows the doctor out, leaving the door open. A moment later, the alphas file in, their faces drawn and exhausted. Even Damien looks haggard, his eyes bloodshot and his jaw dark with stubble.

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