Page 65 of The Vampire's Mate

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“Easy, love,” he said. “This shower is about warming you up, nothing more.”

The water became hotter, and so did my skin. James’s fingers dipped down, teasing between my legs but staying tantalizingly out of reach. Every time I tried to arch into his touch, he stopped until I stood still again.

It was torture.

My cock hung heavy between my thighs. Sweat beaded on my forehead, but whether from the hot water or my building orgasm I wasn’t sure. Finally, James took mercy on me. He reached around me again, turning the water off this time, and guided me out of the shower. After scrubbing us both dry with a towel, he silently indicated the door.

Something about that moment felt far more significant than any night we’d ever shared. I left the bathroom and walked down the hall to the master bedroom, James’s commanding presence behind me. Once inside, I hovered awkwardly next to the bed, unsure of what he wanted me to do next. Lucky for me, I didn’t need to figure it out. James wrapped his arms around my waist, taking control. My hands found his, fingers twisting together over the soft skin of my stomach.

It was intense already—almost too intense. My heart was on my sleeve, and those emotions I’d been working so hard to suppress felt exposed, but I couldn’t ignore them any longer. I sighed, dropping my head against his shoulder and exposing my neck for him. His lips dusted across my collarbone, pausing over my carotid. It pulsed, thumping under his mouth. Fangs tickled my skin. “May I?”

I nodded, gulping. “Yes.”

“Do you want me to take my chain off?”

I squeezed my eyes shut and thrashed my head side to side. Without that, I could turn. No, I wasn’t ready for that. Telling him I loved him was already too much. “N-no.”

“Okay, love,” he hushed, giving my hands a squeeze and pulling me closer to him. “That’s why I asked. You’ve got total control. I don’t want you to forget that. Do you understand?”

I don’t know how he expected me to speak. It felt like he’d reached into my chest and wrapped his vampiric fist around my heart. I could barely breathe. Working one of my hands free, I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to my neck. “Please—oh.”

Cold, sharp fangs sank into my skin. My legs buckled, James’s arm tightening to stabilize me. A low moan rattled his chest as he took one slow draw, then licked over the spot to seal the wound. I didn’t think I’d ever tire of him feeding from me, but one pull definitely wasn’t enough.

“I want you present for this, love.” He kissed his mark, then retreated a step. “Get on the bed for me. On your back. I want to see you—all of you.”

Complying, I positioned myself in the middle of the mattress and situated the pillows under my head so I could keep my eyes on him. James rounded the bed, fisting his erection. My mouth watered. He produced a bottle of lube from somewhere— I’d been so caught up I hadn’t even seen him grab it—and tossed it on the bed. His gaze traveled over me, taking in every inch of my naked body. I fought an unusual urge to squirm and cover myself. I felttooexposed.

James picked up on it. “Put your hands behind your head.”

I obeyed, drawing my bottom lip between my teeth as he placed a knee on the bed. He moved like a predator hunting its prey. The nerves fluttering through my body surrendered to instinct, and I widened my legs to give him space to settle between them. He stretched out, aligning our bodies from head to toe.

“You look absolutely breathtaking right now, Ryder,” he husked.

I couldn’t answer. I released my lip, tipping my head back andthank fuckhe could read what I wanted: our mouths met, unleashing the beast. James ground his hips into mine, swallowing the moans I fed him. His tongue speared inside my mouth, twisting and tangling with mine in a messy kiss. One of his hands held his weight on one side of my head, the other teased down my stomach and dipped between my legs.

When did he open the bottle?

Cool, slick fingers slipped between my cheeks. I tensed at the initial sensation, but James distracted me by sucking on my tongue—a move he knew drove me wild. I chased him when he pulled back, whimpering in protest at the broken kiss.

“Relax for me, love,” he whispered against my lips, middle finger slowly rimming my hole. “Breathe in.”

I did.

“And out.”

James pushed through with one finger at the same time, gently shushing me when I cried out. He slowly worked me open with one finger before adding a second. I silently begged for his mouth. I needed it—I neededhim,however he would give himself to me. With two fingers buried to his knuckles, he granted me his mouth once more. I rocked my hips into his hand, dick hard and leaking over my stomach.

I liked it rough—two fingers were usually plenty before I got impatient and demanded his cock. My heart raced, anticipating his thick length—only to get a third finger instead. I saw stars when he crooked them, grazing my sweet spot. Tears burned behind my eyes, and I squeezed them shut.

“You’re doing so good, love,” James praised, latching onto my neck.

I moaned, sputtering out a desperate, “P-please baby,” as my body rolled into his. His erection pressed against my hip, precome wetting my skin and creating a slick glide between us.

“Are you ready?” he asked, tapping my prostate again.

“I’ve been ready,” I panted, thoroughly at the end of my rope. I needed himnow.

James stamped one more kiss to my cheek, then moved between my legs. He bent mine at the knees and pushed until my thighs touched my chest. His eyes turned hungry. “You look so good right now… somine.” He growled the last word, and it sent shivers through my body.

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