Page 12 of The Vampire's Mate

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James reached over his shoulders and laced his fingers behind my neck to hold me close. “About an hour,” he murmured.

I smiled and spun him around, backing him against the bar and caging him in with my arms. “Guess we’d better make this quick then.”

My head darted in for his neck, my tongue rolling around his silver chain and pulling it between my teeth. James’s head fell back, exposing his delicious skin.

“Ryder,” he moaned, hand twisting into my curls and pinning me in place.

I dropped the chain. “I love it when you say my name like that.”

He ground against my thigh, and I earned another intoxicating sound from him as the move granted him the friction he needed. “We’re at work, love. This is a bad idea.”

I made a show of taking a step back and glancing around the place. “We’realoneat work. And you’re the boss. You can dowhoever you want. Besides, you said we have time, right?”

“Mmhmm…” James’s resolve was wavering, I could feel it.

“Kiss me.” It was half a demand, half a plea, but full of that breathy moan that I knew drove him wild.

His response was part whimper, part growl. Then he folded. “Let’s be quick.” He sealed his mouth over mine.

I couldn’t ignore the way our lips fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. I knew his next move before he made it. He angled my head, the tips of our tongues flirting with each other. A shiver zipped down my spine. By the time it hit my tailbone, my cock wasthrobbing. He pulled me closer with a primal snarl, grinding his own hard length into me. We spun, and I found my back pressed against the bar as I rutted against his thigh. I squirmed and bucked, welcoming the pressure. Our heavy breaths turned into pants as his tongue lapped at my skin.

I cursed, feeling the tickle of his fangs. “Yes,” I hissed, turning my head to give him better access. My hips jerked forward in anticipation.

A sudden voice intruded on our private moment. “Oh, shit! I’m so sorry!”

James pulled off of me with a pop, fangs retracting before my eyes. I hadn’t heard the door over our labored gasps. Fuck, I hadn’t even heard thechimeabove it. I was so shocked—and painfully hard—that I couldn’t find words as I grappled to compose myself.

Whoever the intruder was, they stood frozen at the glass door, their small frame swallowed by the entrance. They were so fine-boned that when the door blew shut and hit them in the back, it sent them stumbling forward. Whether it was embarrassment or the cold that colored their cheeks, I wasn’t sure, but I’d never seen someone’s face redden so quickly.

James recovered much faster, cool as a cucumber. “Not at all,” he told the newcomer calmly. “We’resorry, Shiloh. This is completely inappropriate. It won’t happen again.”

“No, it’s my fault; I’m early and I saw you come in,” they gestured at me with a flustered motion, “so I thought… I don’t know what I thought.”

I bit back a snort, earning a glare from James. “If you’ll excuse me…” James cut me off by clearing his throat and stepping in front of me. I frowned and muttered, “Or not.”

“I’ll give you two a minute,” Shiloh said, a slight quaver to their voice. “I have to use the restroom anyway.”

James kept shielding me until Shiloh disappeared behind the bathroom door. Only after we heard the lock click did he step back and let his eyes roam over my body. The grin that tugged at his lips only served to make me harder—if that were even possible. “Your jeans are borderline obscene.”

That was exactly why I’d worn them. I leaned back, giving him a better view. “You heard them coming, didn’t you?”

The sparkle in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. But with a quick glance down, I was satisfied to know that he was as turned on as I was. “I’ve been warning you that you’d regret teasing me one day.”

“I don’t know if ‘regret’ is the word I would use.”

My eyes were trained on his lap. I studied the outline of his erection like I was going to be tested on it. My hand itched to reach out, but before I could follow through, James placed a finger under my chin and raised my vision to his. Crimson swirled in his eyes.

I was getting to him.


“You’re playing with fire, Clark.”

“So burn me, vampire.”

I closed the distance, palming him through his jeans. His face remained stoic, but his Adam’s apple bobbed, giving away his nerves.

With a deep breath through his nose, he knocked my hand away from his crotch. “Go into the office and cool yourself down.”

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