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The Decisions We Make

Linc lined up the shot glasses and Cyrus poured the whiskey. It filled the glasses and spilled to the table. Without hesitation Nelle grabbed two glasses and threw them back one after another.

Slade gritted his teeth. He was so fucking livid with her… yet he couldn’t… he couldn’t hate her.

“That’ll get the truth flowing,” Nelle said with a weak smile.

“Lots to speak about here,” Cyrus said.

Prayer only consisted of Cyrus, Linc, and Priest. Priest refused to sit. He stood towering with muscle, blood on his face from the fight with the mafia guys. Slade knew Nelle was terrified. He’d protect her if things went too far but playtime was over now. For good.

“First of all, I am not in the mafia,” Nelle said. “None of us were.”

“Us?” Linc asked.

“My dead sisters,” Nelle snapped.

Slade put a hand to Nelle’s. “Just talk, sweetheart.”

“We didn’t ask for the life we had,” Nelle said. “We were just born into it. My father… it started small. He would drink too much. Place a bet or two. Then he quit drinking, but the bets gotbigger. If you want to know every detail, I can get into it. To put it quickly, he lost everything to gambling. Until he met Damien’s father.Dimitri..”

“This gets deep, huh?” Cyrus asked. “Your old man ran for Dimitri.”

“I honestly don’t know what my father did,” Nelle said. “I just knew I was in charge of protecting my sisters from the guys. Some days it felt like my father was powerful and other days he was just this weak man. Men would show up and beat the living hell out of him. I’d have to take my sisters and hide somewhere in the house. We lived in this giant house too. It was all for show. My father needed to have the appearance of a successful businessman.”

“That gave Dimitri an outlet,” Cyrus said.

“And Damien was nothing short of evil himself,” Nelle said. “As we got older, he ended up having eyes for Thalia. You’d think it would be Calista, but nope. She was wild and would have given herself to him in a second, but he wanted Thalia. I remember vividly my father telling me I needed to prepare Thalia to be married off to Damien. That would settle everything up. We’d all be connected, together.”

“The same for you and Calista too?” Priest asked.

“That’s right,” Nelle said. “Everything was going to be arranged. And then it all blew up. It all got fucked up. For two reasons.”

“Which are?” Slade asked.

Nelle looked at him. Her beautiful eyes shined, glistening with whiskey and tears. His heart twisted and ached and he wasn’t sure why but he had the urge to burn the entire world down so he could create a new one just for Nelle to live in. Her world. Her perfect world.

“The first thing was that my father found a way to steal from Dimitri,” Nelle said. “A way to skim some cash. He thought it was all free and clear.”

“Your father is a fucking moron,” Linc said.

“Tell me about it,” Nelle said. “Dimitri didn’t just know about it. He set it up! He knew my father couldn’t help himself! He wanted my father to fuck up. So he could take us…”

Slade shook head.

Rotten bastard, Dimitri is lucky he’s dead or else I would kill him myself…

“Before that could happen, Damien showed up one night and demanded Thalia. He was drunk and wanted her. My father wasn’t ready to give her up. Damien wanted to take her.Kidnap her. I made Calista hide but she refused to listen. Poor Thalia. Sweet Thalia. She would never hurt a fly. She didn’t know how to fight back. I think that’s why Damien wanted her so badly. He knew he could break her down in seconds. I tried to stop Damien and he threatened me. Calista came running from nowhere with a knife in her hand. She was going to kill Damien. At the last second, I managed to push Calista out of the way. Damien reached for his gun. Face it, he could have killed us and nobody would have cared. That’s when my father found some balls and he smashed a thick vase over Damien’s head. He knocked Damien out cold.”

Nelle hung her head. Slade touched her back.

He looked around at the guys. “Enough yet?”

“This is all for some revenge,” Linc said.

“The kid took power when the old man died,” Cyrus said as he stood up. “And he tracked them down and started shooting. Now it’s our fucking mess. Last thing we need!”

“Prez,” Priest said.

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