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The name of the band wasGrindfreak.

Slade hadn’t heard a song by the band, nor did he intend to until they got on stage and played their songs. They looked the part of some kind of wannabe glam rockers from a long time ago. Four guys with long blond hair, tall and skinny, probably wearing women’s yoga pants, ensuring they each had a decent sized dick bulge.

There wasStick, Stevey, Simmy,andStyle.

Slade chose to watch the backstage while Fitz took the main part of the club. They also had two prospects—Bram and Stu—out front while the enforcers—Virus, Amos, and Dolph—took the sides and back. Everyone was kept in line.

Slade couldn’t believe how many people showed up for this band. And the women. These beautiful women with low-cut shirts and beautiful, bouncing breasts, desperate for a chance to just touch one of the rock stars. It almost made Slade want to hang up his leather cut, grab a guitar and start playing.

Then again, everyone knew that bikers didn’t need bodyguards to chase women away… they took everything that came their way and then some.

“Hey, you look familiar to me!”

The voice caught Slade off guard. He had made sure the normal security for the nightclub had everything in place to keep the wannabe groupies from rushing backstage.

When he turned, he saw Calista standing there, a bottle of wine in her hand, her eyes completely whacked out…and cocaine on her noise. Slade walked up to Calista and gently thumbed her nose.

“Little bit of snowfall, huh?”

“Whoops,” she said. “I was hanging with the band.”

“Too bad. Not a good look when a pretty one like you has breath that stinks of cum.”

“All I smell off you is jealousy, big boy.”

Slade smiled. He felt words moving toward the tip of his tongue…

Where’s your sister? Nelle? Right? She here tonight?

“Hey, we need to do a little catching up, sweetheart,” Slade said.

“You bikers get right to the point, don’t you? You think you can fuck me better than these rockers?”

Slade leaned down toward Calista’s right ear. “If I wanted to fuck you, sweetheart, my cock would be stuffed up your tight ass already. I don’t do small talk. Now let’s cut the bullshit. Your sister was shot and killed. Not meant for my club. Those bullets were meant for her. They hit the target. That’s why I’m here tonight, sweetheart. We’ve got some talking to do. Figure it out. Understand me?”

Poor Calista’s face turned red, then white. She quickly drank from the bottle of wine as though it was water. Slade placed a hand to her arm to stop her. “Don’t get too drunk. Unless you want me to throw you over my shoulder and take you back to the clubhouse. You can sober up by morning. But there’s a fee to get into the clubhouse. Can you guess what it is?”

“My pussy,” Calista said.

The cold look in her eyes told Slade she’d been through this routine so many times. She was merely a lost soul, using her body and sucking cock to find a purpose. Feeling good in the moment but the second the warm cum trickled down the back of her throat, she was forgotten and lost once again.

Slade had already stepped his foot in shit today with Marcus’s baby mama, no way he was going to show care or compassion for Calista. This was about finding out who rode through Cielo and shot up the pizza place. It was about who wanted Thalia dead… it was about who could have killed the VP ofSOFRAW.

Slade ripped the bottle of wine from Calista’s hand and brought it near his lips. Then he remembered… He sniffed the top of the bottle and shook his head.

“Smells like cum,” he said. “Enjoy your wine and cock, sweetheart.”

Slade tossed the bottle of wine to the right. It hit the floor and broke. He stepped back.

“Take it easy on the snow too,” Slade said, touching his nose.

Calista swallowed hard. She seemed terrified. That was good. Scared meant Calista would give him some answers. There was just one problem.

Calista would be shot to death within the hour.

Here’s what happened…

Grindfreakwas given the ten minute warning to get ready. Some local band opening forGrindfreakjust finished their set. The roadies and crew forGrindfreakhad gotten the stage ready for the band. The club buzzed with excitement. Backstage just the same.

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