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“Come on, Fitz,” Slade said. “We need to meet up with Cyrus and Linc and finalize plans for tonight.”

Before walking away, Fitz pushed the coffee cups off the bar with purpose, making sure they not only spilled, but they hit the floor and broke. Leaving Maggie with a mess to clean up.

But, hey, at least she still had her perky tits, both nipples, and her cute, little piercing… right?

Chapter Six


Nelle let the video continue to record for a handful of extra seconds before ending the recording. The purpose of that? For use later in editing.

She took her phone off the small tripod she bought online using her own money. Bucky told her to make money. What Nelle found out later was that Bucky wanted her to make money without selling a damn thing. Getting creative, Nelle ended up online, on social media, scrolling, snooping, thinking, and learning.

If she told anyone she made money online by making videos, their mind would go to one spot. And, hey, if that hadn’t crossed Nelle’s mind a time or two, she’d be a liar. There were plenty offacelesschannels on certain sites that made a lot of money. Nelle wasn’t sure if men or women wanted to gawk at her body. Her hands? Her feet? Her boobs?Between her legs…?

It was easier to record videos about antiques and post them online. She never needed to worry about posting her face. The comments on the videos were rarely weird, other than the occasional person commenting that her voice sounded heavenly.

A few times some random name with lots of numbers would post and offer a million dollars to see her face… and then ejaculate all over it…

The videos that did the best were little figures and clocks. It made no sense to Nelle at all. But there was a following. On a whole bunch of social media sites. She actually grew things to a level of making money. Maybe not as much as actually selling the items, but enough that Bucky thought of Nelle as a computer genius.Which she was not.

Nelle uploaded the video she just made into a video editing app on her phone and watched parts of the video, to ensure the standard quality. Then to make sure her voice sounded good. It was all a process. She would upload the long video. Then she’d make five second and ten second snippets. Just tons of content to post and get views and all that other fun stuff that came with social media posting.

Not exactly a dream job for her though. Truthfully, the antiques scared the hell out of Nelle. She had been nervous from the day she was born.Or so she remembered her father telling her when he reached that blissful state of drunkenness where he was happy and loving, but it only lasted a few minutes before he’d end up too drunk and become mean…

Horror movies drove Nelle crazy. Anything to do with scary stuff…

And here she was, working at an antique store. Full of really old items that all hadstories. Not to mention it was messy. There could be a ghost, monster, or demon waiting under a pile of junk! So far the onlythingNelle encountered was the occasional lonely spider.

As she sat on an old chair that had been taped up ten times over, she closed out the video app and placed her phone on the counter. She looked toward the front door. Outside. Brightness. Light. Day.

Thalia… what happened to you?

Was it the bikers…?

Or did ‘they’ find you…?

Which means…

A door slammed behind Nelle, causing her to scream. Not a soft scream. Not a painful scream. It was a horror movie scream.

“Are you okay, Nelle?” Bucky’s deep, wrinkly voice called out.

Nelle touched her now warm cheeks. “Yes. You scared me.”

“It’s the damn door! I keep saying I’m going to fix it.”

“I bet that door’s been making noise for twenty years, easily.”

“Are you making fun of me, Nelle?” Bucky asked, finally appearing, which eased Nelle a little.

A part of her brain wondered if Bucky had been dead for years and his ghost was now talking to her through the antique store…

Too much horror thinking, huh?

Bucky moved slow, hunched slightly, and was in desperate need of a shave.

“Might need your help a little,” Bucky said.

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