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“Yes,” he answers honestly, “and I will teach our sons. Hunting is a part of me. I built a business of it. It’s who I am. The fact that animals aren’t enough for me has nothing to do with the type of father I am or the husband I will be.”

My chin quivers at his words, tears breaking free.

“You feel this, this thing between us, Lulu. You can deny it until your last breath, but if you run, I will hunt you, and I’ll kill anyone who stands in my way, anyone you spoke to, anyone who helps you. They’ll die because of you.”

I’m openly crying by the time he finishes, but I still lean into our kiss because Ajax is right . . . I do feel it.



Tonight has been . . . nice.

My body feels heavy and worn out. Who knew running around after a five-year-old could be so tiring?

The heat of the fire warms me. The sound of wood popping breaks the silence every few minutes. The smell of burning marshmallows makes me open my eyes.

“You’re on fire.” I smile sleepily.


Ajax pulls his skewer out of the heat, blowing on the bubbling treat to put out the fire. It’s black and crispy, but my mouth waters when he sandwiches the marshmallow with crackers.

Leaning over, he holds out the oozing treat. He juts his chin. “Open.”

I do as told, moaning as the sweetness fills my mouth. “Mmm.” I nod. “Even burnt, it’s good.”

Ajax laughs, taking his own bite. “Next one’ll be better.”

I blush at his wink. I shouldn’t be this calm or this content, but I can’t think of anywhere else I’d rather be. Only one thing could make this better. My eyes drift over to the bugs and the few fireflies near the tree line.

Fuck it.

Jumping up from my seat, I rush into the RV. Mary is fast asleep but not for long.

“Piglet,” I whisper, brushing her hair back, “baby, wake up.”


“It’s Lulu,” I say before gathering her into my arms. She’s heavier than I remember.

Ajax is standing near the RV front door, completely puzzled. I smile, silently walking past him, and indulgently, he steps back.

I take Mary over to the bugs, swatting a few away when they get close to her face. “The fairies came out.”

Sleepily, she raises her head. “They’re bugs,” she says groggily, resting her head back on my shoulder.

“They are.” I nod. “They come out to guard the fairies while they play.”

I feel her smile on my neck. Is this what it’s like to be a part of a family? To be happy?

Slowly, I start to weave a tale of a princess fairy who was taken from her home by the fairy prince. “The fairy princess is scared, but she’s trying to like her new home. It’s hard because everything is new,” I whisper, pointing at the flies that buzz around us. “Can you see her?”

“Uh-huh?” She nods, lifting her head and joining in. “She has pink wings.”

I gasp. “They are. Oh, look, there’s the prince. He’s come to play, I think.”

“He’s very handsome and strong,” Ajax adds. Warmth surrounds me as he wraps us in the blanket from my chair.

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