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“She made Andrew mad. Can’t even cook him dinner right.”

“Is she hurt?”

I brace for the answer.

“I don’t know.” I believe her.

“Where is your husband?”

My chest gets tighter the longer she remains silent.

“I don’t know,” she whispers.

My chest relaxes.

“But he’s with her.”

Her words make my world stop. My eyes move up, searching her gaze. She’s scared, yes, but something else is hidden beneath. Whatever that asshole is doing to my girl, her mother wants it to happen.

My hand closes around her neck instinctively.

“Where would Lulu run?”

Her mother shakes her head.

Not good enough.

“Where?” I hiss.

The sound that leaves her is inhuman. That of a woman desperate to live. My hold loosens enough to let her words slip out.

“The woods. She ran out back,” she coughs out.

Seems I do get to go hunting tonight after all.

“He followed?”

She nods as best she can with the viselike grip I have on her neck.

“Is he armed?”

She shakes her head.

“You said Lulu’s run before. Does he always follow?”

Another negative head motion.

Good, that means she has an advantage. He doesn’t know where she runs to.

But it means this time is different. If he catches her . . .

I shove away the awful thought. I need to leave. Now.

“Then it seems we’re done here.” I give a small nod.

The hand twisting in my jacket relaxes a little.

“You should have protected her. That’s a parent’s job. Now, you’re just as bad as he is.” My hand moves up to clamp her mouth again. I need her neck clear for what’s coming next.

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