Page 91 of Claim

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“See if he knows if the brothers are together,” Charlie adds.

I nod again.

“And ask if Dad’s still at the station.” I stop and turn at Sam’s words, giving them all a look. Like we didn’t spend the past thirty minutes thinking of themost important things to ask, ruling out questions we knew he wouldn’t answer.

The three worried women just grin, and if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that Helen birthed them both.

Approaching the door, they hang back, just like we’d discussed. We don’t want Kaleb feeling ganged up on. Charlie stands at the front of the group, Sam close behind her with Helen at the back, doing a much better job of hiding than her daughter.

Not wanting to startle him, I brush aside the lace curtain, knocking a single knuckle gently against the glass beside the solid door.

The wood flooring of the porch creaks with Kaleb’s approach. Bending slightly, he peers inside with a raised brow.

I give a small, timid wave.

“You’re supposed to be in bed,” he reprimands.

I ignore his comment. “Have you spoken to your dad at the station?”

Kaleb looks farther into the house.

“You’re a bad influence, Lara.”

I look back at the others with a shrug.

Sam holds up two thumbs, encouraging me. Helen’s hand pops out from behind her daughter, her thumb joining the other two. My lips twitch. At least she’s still hiding.

Charlie releases her white-knuckled grip on the back of the sofa just long enough to roll her wrist, waving me on to ask another question.

I turn back to the small window. “Are Michael and Daniel together?”

Either seeing I’m not giving up or just wanting us to go to bed, Kaleb throws us a bone. “Yes, Dad called about an hour ago. They’re in the same cell. Michael’s sleeping, which is what you should be doing.”

“He’s okay,” I whisper, more for myself than the others, blowing out a relieved breath.

Kaleb had been tight-lipped at dinner earlier, only stating that their dad was with the boys at the station. And that we all need to be strong and patient while we wait this whole mess out.

“All three of you, upstairs.”

Helen chooses that moment to step forward and into his view.

“Really?” He chuckles. “The four of you to bed, now.”

I bite my lip. “We can’t sleep. We’re scared.”

Kaleb hooks his finger, indicating that I come closer. When I’m practically pressed against the window, he speaks.

“No one, no one,” he repeats, “is getting into this house. I got you, Lara.”

I blink away tears. I’ve barely known these people more than a few days, and one sits in a cell for protecting me and another is promising to do the same if needed.

Is this what family really is?

“But who’s got you?” I whisper back.

Kaleb rears back like I slapped him. “I’m going to have to ask my brother to kiss you for asking that, Fawn.”

The nickname makes me smile.

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