Page 61 of Claim

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“We all have our issues,” she whispers to herself. “I stayed skinny by not eating, like I was taught to, but after I moved out, I researched and educated myself on health and fitness. I eat in moderation now, most of the time,” she admits shakily. “But I have a deal with myself,” she whispers like it’s a secret. “I get to eat whatever I want for breakfast on weekends as long as . . .”

“Seven miles every day, no excuses,” I finish for her.

“You really were watching.”

“Protecting,” I correct, with a playful nip at her neck.

Lara sighs. “When I moved away to college, I picked one close to home in California, but when I heard about Hampstock College opening and how they were offering huge discounts for students willing to transfer in, well, I couldn’t wait to get farther away.” She turns to face me fully, her eyes pleading. “Does that make me a bad daughter?”

My hands frame her face. “No, baby.” I shake my head. “That makes you human.” I bring her mouth tomine, kissing her like it can fix the damage her mother did.

Fuck, I love her.

Although I had been happy for Daniel, a part of me never really understood how he fell for Charlie so completely with just one look. Now I do.

I meant every word in that truck. God help anyone who tries to take her from me.

Lara moans into my mouth, earning us a scandalized look from a passing woman.

“Are you sore?” I ask, already knowing the answer. “I need you, come on. We’re leaving, and Captain is coming with us. We’ll work off the calories another way.”

I reach over her shoulder, grabbing a box.

“It’ll go to waste.”

“How? You can take the rest to your dorm, or they can stay at mine for when we’re there.”

Yeah, baby, there’s no escaping now.

Her cheeks flush. She can deny it all she wants, but her body will always be truthful.

No one had better be in that cabin when we get there. I’m not waiting until tonight to get my girl alone.

“Daddy, look.”

A child’s voice grabs my attention, but I don’t know why. Instinct maybe. I turn to see a small girl, around five or six, pointing at something out of view. A large man stands beside her, pushing their cart. He glances into the aisle.

That saying it takes one to know one is one hundred percent true. My eyes roll over the man in our aisle, assessing and deliberate.

His gaze turns to me. It’s empty, void.

My whole body reacts. The hair on the back of my neck stands up, and my muscles vibrate with energy.

His baseball cap sits low, making it hard to see his face, but he’s around my age, maybe a little older. He nods in my direction.

He knows.

His left hand reaches out to rest on the top of his daughter’s head.

A message.

His daughter is off-limits to killers like us.

His face morphs into a smile, his whole face transforming as he lovingly looks down at her. The child grins up at him, giggling as he tickles her chin with the end of her braid.

Catching his gaze again, I nod. Reaching out, I wrap Lara’s braid around my hand, using it to pull her close. A message returned.

His family is safe if my family is safe.

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