Page 17 of Claim

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Can this night just fucking end?



“We’re going to head back to the station and complete the paperwork,” Chief Cole informs us. “The kids can go back in now, but uhhh, if you don’t want to tell them just yet, I don’t mind filling out the paperwork in the truck.”

A smirk tugs at my lips. The man is clearly as fed up with these kids as I am.

I like his thinking.

Next to me, Kaleb claps his hands loudly. “I got this.” He grins.

“Right, you little shits. It was another fake callout for a cooking accident.”

Groans rise from the crowd as they quickly shuffle forward.

“Nuh-uh.” Kaleb stops them by walking to thefront of the crowd and blocking them. “Which moron thought they could cook ramen with a Bunsen burner?”

Unsurprisingly, no one speaks out.

“Okay, okay.” Kaleb nods. “Snitches get stitches. I can respect that.”

Where is he going with this? I give both Daniel and Chief Cole a shrug when they give me a look, wondering the same thing.

Who cares? As long as it stops these callouts, my brother can have free rein.

“How about instead of stitches, the snitch gets to go back inside and snore their little head off?” He tries to bargain, pointing at the front of the building where a few firefighters stand, blocking the door.

Again, silence is the only answer he gets.

“Like the rest of my family, I don’t like to ask twice. Who set off the fire alarm by cooking on a tiny fucking flame?” Kaleb demands, his patience waning. His tone questions how someone even thought to cook that way.

Fair because what moron uses their chemistry set to cook a snack in the early hours of the morning? A drunk moron. Who else would be dumb enough to put a plastic ramen cup over a naked flame?

We’re lucky melted plastic and a small carpet burn are the only damage done or so Chief Cole says.

Did they think they were having a fucking cookout?

Kaleb’s voice brings me out of my thoughts.

“Okay, no snitches. You’re all in this together, then. Cromwell has one fire truck, so being here could have cost innocent lives. These hardworking men who could have been needed at a real emergency will chill in their big truck while you losers run the length of this parking lot ten times each. And then the firefighters will line up, and you can all apologize to them individually.”

The crowd of college kids roars to life with loud complaints, bitching about how unfair life is.

If they only knew.

“You can’t do that. I’ll call my father,” one kid threatens, his voice rising above the rest.

“Good.” Kaleb nods. “He can come run with you. He deserves it for not making sure you were smarter. What’s your name, kid?”

“Alex,” he answers, losing some of his bravado.

Kaleb points. “Due to Alex having a big mouth, it will now be fifteen laps. You can thank Alex as you run past him.”

No one moves.

“You’re not getting inside until you run and apologize. Actions have consequences.”

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