Page 92 of The Life Wish

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Startled, I jumped off the table and backed toward Foster, seeking protection. “I—I’m sorry,” I started uncertainly. “Are you talking tome?”

Could she actuallyseeme?

As the librarian nodded, Foster answered, “I didn’t say anything.”

“Not you,” I told him in a hushed tone. “Her.”

“What?” He squinted in obvious confusion.

“That librarian can see me,” I whispered.

He turned and glanced around the area, scowling in confusion before whispering back, “What librarian?”

I pointed. “The woman who’s standing right…there.”

His brow only furrowed more before he slowly shook his head. “Raina, no one’s standing there.”

“But…” I whirled toward the woman. “He can’t see you. Why can’t he see you?”

“Because Foster Union cannot see the dead,” the woman answered simply.

“F…f…” I shook my head and pressed right up against where Foster sat.

“So what’d she answer?” he asked.

“Sh-she said, ‘Foster Union can’t see the dead.’”

He shrugged. “Well, that’s true. Wait. How does she know my name?”

I whirled toward him, my mouth falling open. “The woman just told me she was a freaking ghost, and you want to know how she knows yourname?”

He made a face, then admitted, “Good point. So how can you two seeeach other?”

“Hey, yeah,” I realized and spun back to the woman. “Why canIsee you, then? I can’t see dead people.”

“When you’re a part of both worlds,” the ghost explained, “you can see both worlds.”

“Oh.” I nodded in understanding. “Cool.” Glancing over at Foster, I said, “Well, that explains why I’m able to talk to Hayes and Kinsey and my mom in my dreams every night.”

“What does?” he asked, shaking his head to remind me that he’d been left out of the loop.

“Right. You couldn’t hear her answer. Sorry. She said that since I’m currently of both worlds, I can see both worlds.”

He shook his head. “That doesn’t answer how she can seeyou, though, because most living people can’t see you. Why should ghosts get to see you?”

“Good point.” I turned back to the librarian but footsteps and murmured, hushed voices distracted me. “Shh.” I held up a hand. “I hear more people coming.”

“I hear them too,” Foster answered, reassuring me that they must belong to the living, right before two familiar faces stepped from between another row of books.

“What the…?” Foster lifted his eyebrows in question as Hudson and Faith jarred to a surprised halt when they found him already occupying the space.

“Oh, man,” Faith said, sounding utterly disappointed. “You’rehere.”

“Foster’s my surprise?” Hudson asked, sounding confused as he glanced back and forth between Faith and Foster before tsking. “Babe. You know, you didn’t have to make me hobble down a flight of stairs just to gift me with my own best friend.”

“Foster isnotyour surprise,” she grumbled. “I don’t know what he’s doing down here.”

“I’m studying,” Foster answered with a confused shake of the head. “And this is the most peaceful place to get any studying done without everyone interrupting you for a picture or an attaboy.” Pointing, he asked Hudson, “Hey, did you know this library was haunted?”

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