Page 91 of The Life Wish

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She nodded sympathetically before suggesting, “What about the library?”

I winced. “It’s always packed.”

“Not in the basement,” Raina said.

Dropping my hand, I glanced at her in surprise. “There’s a basement?” This was news to me.

She laughed. “Yes. Come on. I’ll show you this perfect spot where no one ever goes. It’s the quietest place on campus.”



“Holy shit,” Foster announced as he followed me down the back stairwell. “There’s a freakingbasementin the library.”

I laughed, jogging ahead of him. “Told you so.”

Once I reached the landing, I disappeared through the door because it was always so fun to do around Foster. I could tell it freaked him out.

A second later, I sat on a table, facing the door with my crossed legs dangling over the edge and my hands planted on either side of me as I grinned and waved when Foster cautiously opened the door to peer inside.

“Boo,” I murmured.

He shook his head and stepped into the room, gazing around with lowered eyebrows. “Wow. It’s so dark and dank down here. Very dungeon-like.”

“I know.” I popped off the table and led him back to my favorite place to study when I really needed to concentrate. “I like to think of it as a ghost library. Like a ghost town, you know. It has everything down here in the Dewey decimal classification, from the zeros to the nine-hundreds. They must just put whatever hasn’t been checked out in the last twenty years on these shelves.”

“And you’re surestudentsare allowed in here?”

I glanced back to give him a funny look. “I don’t see why not. I’ve never seen anything saying it’s restricted.”

“Huh.” He ran his hand along the spines of some books he passed, only to look at the dust left behind on his fingertips. Wiping it off against his jeans, he turned back to me and nodded in approval at the little opening where two large tables had been pushed together to make a very generous-sized study area. “Wow.”

“I know, right?” Grinning, I bobbed my head in excitement. “Isn’t it great? It’s the absolute perfect study area when you need some peace and quiet. Waverly at the front desk showed it to me when I asked where the best study spot was.”

“Very cool,” he answered, wandering around the table before easing into one of the chairs. When he glanced up at me, his smile was full of appreciation. “I like it.”

“Yay!” I clapped happily, proud of myself for being able to help him.

Plopping his backpack onto the table, Foster announced, “I’m staying right here until I have to head to my last class of the day.”

“Right on,” I answered, plopping down to sit on the table and swing my legs merrily.

As I watched him pull a textbook from his backpack, I released a breath and took in the cozy shelves surrounding us, only to gasp when a woman appeared from one of the rows.

“Holy crap,” I wheezed, slapping a hand to my chest. “She scared the bejesus out of me.”

I hadn’t even been aware anyone else was down here.

Foster glanced up curiously. “Who did?”

I pointed. “The librarian standing right there.”

When the woman stared straight ahead and said, “Can I help you?” Foster merely blinked at me.

“I don’t see a librarian there.”

I squinted and glanced between the two of them until the librarian looked directly at me and repeated in that same monotone voice, “Can I help you?”

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