Page 89 of The Life Wish

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“Me neither,” I murmured as I grabbed my helmet and followed the others out the door. But I think I definitely was now.

From there, the rest of the hour was filled with a lot of smiles, flashing lights, and questions.

“Are you ready for next year, Foster?”

“Excited for signing day to see who you’re getting to play with in the upcoming season?”

“Do you foresee three state championships in a row?”

I laughed good-naturedly and shook my head. “Coach gave us a month off before we start training for next season again in February, so right now, I’m just enjoying a little R & R until then.”

Behind the cameraman, Raina snorted and folded her arms over her chest. “What R & R? I haven’t seen you rest or relax once.”

When I glanced at her, another light flashed, and for some reason, I just kept watching her until they wanted us to change poses.

Sometimes I held a ball, sometimes I had to rear back my arm to pretend I was going to throw it, and sometimes I just stood there with my arms folded over my chest, looking stern and severe. We took some with our helmets on and some with our helmets off, and no matter which pose I held, I got praised for doing it just right.

After the interviews and pictures, I was spent. I trailed the guys back to change into my street clothes again, and I left first so I could escape without anyone noticing.

Oaklynn and most of the other people who’d been giving interviews were gone; only a couple of coaches and the photography staff remained, clearing away the set.

So I started toward Raina with my backpack slopped over one shoulder, ready to bounce, only for Connor Resson to break away from the photographers and wave me down.

“Hey, Foster. Wait up.”

I groaned under my breath as he jogged over, then winced at Raina before turning back to him. “Yo.”

“I have some questions for you.” Slightly out of breath as he reached me, he took a recorder from his pocket and lifted his eyebrows in warning as he pressedrecord.

“Okay,” I answered uneasily, already not liking the look in his eyes. “What’s up?”

“It’s about this deadly drunk-driving car accident that happened over the weekend.”

I pulled back in surprise and blinked at him, not at all sure why he’d want to talk aboutthat.

Raina squinted at him with a similar look of confusion before she looked at me. “Is he talking aboutmycar accident?”

I shook my head to answer herandto show Connor my utter confusion. “What about it?”

“Did you know the driver had come from the very party you were at?”

I straightened. “Really?” This was news to me. “No, I had no idea.” But holy shit. I wondered if I knew him.

Connor sent me a suspicious glance. “So you didn’t see him there?”

“I don’t even know who he was,” I admitted.

“His name was Tack Martin. Are you sure you didn’t know him?” Connor pulled up his phone and showed me the screen, displaying this Tack guy’s social media page where I was posing in a picture with him.

I pointed. “This was taken at a signing. Do you know how many people I took pictures with that day?”

That seemed to release some of the wind from Connor’s sails, and his shoulders slumped briefly. But then he narrowed his eyes a moment later and pressed, “So he doesn’t look familiar at all?”


Not sure what the hell he was getting at, I glanced at Raina who shrugged. “I don’t know what he’s talking about.”

“How do you even know I was at the same party as him?” I wondered, returning my gaze to Connor.

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