Page 57 of The Life Wish

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“Yes. Raina,” I explained. “She appeared to me on the night of her accident, and since last night, she’s been stuck with me, not able to move more than a couple hundred yards away. So I’m starting to think I can see people who aren’t quite dead but also not quite alive.”

Alec simply blinked at me before uttering, “No way.”

“Yeah. I’m pretty sure I could see Hudson for a few seconds there when he died too. He was standing next to Faith when I was giving him CPR. And bro… Why do you look as if you’re going to bolt at any second? Raina is the furthest thing from scary there is. Think cotton candy, baby kittens, rainbows, and unicorns. She’d fit right in.”

“Excuse me,” she retorted in offense. “I think I have a little more teeth than that, thank you very much.”

“No,” I told her sympathetically. “You really don’t.”

“Oh yeah? Just watch this.” She hopped off the table and reared her leg back before trying to kick Alec right in the shin, only to plow her foot through his leg instead, losing her balance in the process, and falling flat on her ass.

“My mistake,” I deadpanned. “You’re truly terrifying indeed.”

“Hmph.” After picking herself back up, she crossed her arms over her chest and turned her back to me moodily, trying to appear upset. But then the drink that was filling my cup seemed to interest her, and she forgot she was miffed as she wandered over to investigate. “What’re you making anyway? I wish I could smell it.”

On the other side of the room, Alec kept transferring his gaze from me to the empty space where I was looking at Raina. “What is happening right now?” he finally demanded just before Oaklynn entered the kitchen, yawning.

“Morning,” she said, looking weary and worn, even as she gifted me with a tired, apologetic smile as if still sorry about blaming me for Raina’s accident. “Hey, Fos. What’re you doing here?”

“Someonewouldn’t let me sleep in,” I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest and sending an accusing look toward Raina, right before Oaklynn walked through her.

“Oh yeah? Who was that?” she asked as she spotted the cappuccino I’d just finished brewing. “Ooh! You made my favorite drink for me. What a doll.” As she picked up the cup and took a big sip, I opened my mouth to tell her that had been forme, but Raina finally found her voice.

“Oh.Oh! She just walked right through me.” She started to brush her arms down as if she’d been slimed. Then, she shivered and hugged herself. “I feel so violated.”

“Are you okay?” I asked.

As Raina mumbled, “Yes. I didn’t even feel it; it was just weird,” Oaklynn whirled with the cup half-lifted to her mouth.

“Yeah. Why?” Oaklynn asked, shooting me an odd look.

“Uh.” Still by the table, Alec spoke up, “I don’t think he’s talking to you.”

Oaklynn frowned at him, then glanced at me suspiciously, before slowly returning her attention to Alec. “Then… Who is he talking to?”

“Shit,” I said, running a hand through my hair. “I was really hoping you’d be able to see her.”

Oaklynn froze. “See who?”

“Raina,” I answered.

Slowly swiveling her attention around the room, Oaklynn looked toward Alec again, who only shrugged back. Then she took in all the cabinets and appliances before returning her gaze to me.

“So when you say Raina, do you meanmyRaina? Raina Bollen?”

“Yes,” I said with a wince before motioning to Raina, who was still hovering against the cabinets, hugging herself. “She’s standing right there.”

Oaklynn glanced toward where I was pointing, and then returned her gaze to me, squinting. “Say what now?”

So I spent the next couple of minutes explaining to her and Alec about my new shadow.

In response, Oaklynn merely looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. Then she backed toward the exit of the kitchen, so she could yell into the rest of the house, “Faith! I need you in the kitchen. Like,right now, please!”

“Faith’s busy,” Hudson called in reply. “Try back in twenty.”

But Oaklynn merely shouted, “Faith!Now!”

“Coming,” Faith finally answered.

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