Page 53 of The Life Wish

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“We will,” I assured. “We’ll get you back into your body; I’m sure of it.”

* * *

“Foster? Hey, Foster. Wake up!”

God. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so hasty about telling Raina she wasn’t a nuisance.

With a groan, I shifted to bury my face in my pillow and block out the insistent voice trying to coax me awake because, apparently, sleeping in was not part of her deal.

“It’s morning,” she sang.

“You sure?” I asked with a groan as I pulled the covers over my head. “Because it sure as hell still feels like the middle of the night to me.”

“It’s seven thirty,” she announced. “The sun has risen, and the rest of your family is awake.”

I whipped the sheets off my face to send her a disbelieving glance that told her I didn’t believe a word she said.

She let her shoulders slump. “Well, yourparentsare awake, anyway. I heard them stirring not too long ago. And good God…” Scowling at me, she moodily muttered, “Why do you have to look so freaking yummy first thing in the morning? You’re all scruffy and tousled and just—mmm.” She shuddered in delight. “I want to crawl under those covers with you and cuddle right into your warmth.”

A shock of awareness spread over me, prickling my flesh.

Pointedly pulling the sheets up toward my chin in an effort to hide the fact that I was bending up my knee to cover my morning wood, I grumbled, “Okay, fine. I’m up. Now, can you turn around so I can go into the bathroom?”

She lifted one eyebrow. “Why? You’re wearing a T-shirt and shorts. It’s not like I’m going to see—” Cutting herself off with an excited gasp, she fisted her hands up by her mouth and nearly vibrated as she said, “Oh my God. You have a hard-on, don’t you?”

I sank deeper into my covers, feeling a hundred percent exposed.

“Hey, it’s not like I can touch it or do absolutely anything at all to bother it,” she argued. “I don’t see why you’re being so?—”

“Raina,” I growled before sending her my most desperately pleading expression.

“Oh, all right. I mean… You’re sucking away all the possible fun I could have from being stuck with the hottest guy at HaveU, but fine.” She turned away, showing me her back.

And I quickly popped out of bed. “Thank you,” I gushed as I dashed toward the bathroom.

With her back to me, Raina answered, “Mm-hmm. Though I never would’ve guessed that you were such a modest, private guy. It’s so?—”

I shut the door, muffling whatever she said next. “Just… Don’t come in here, okay?” I called.

“Hey!” she hollered back as if offended. “I would never invade your privacy like that.”

I scoffed since it was a little too late forthat,and then I hurried through a shower.

After finishing my morning ritual while keeping one eye on the door the entire time, I realized—shit—I hadn’t brought any fresh clothes in with me to change into.

With a groan, I inched my door open to peek out.

And there she was.

Sitting on my bed with her legs swinging cheerfully over the side, she smiled big. “Don’t have any clothes in there to wear, do you?”

I frowned at her.

But Raina only shrugged. “I’d gather some up and hand them through the door, but… I can’t touch anything.” And she sounded way too gleeful as she lifted her shoulders in theoopspose, claiming, “Sorry.”

She was getting way too much joy out of this. Huffing moodily, I opened the door fully and tightened my grip on the towel I had wrapped around my waist before stalking across the room to my dresser.

As I yanked open the top drawer, Raina cleared her throat. “I mean, you did promise I could see your bare chest when I remembered my name, so we could just say you’re fulfilling your part of the bargain right now.”

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