Page 48 of The Life Wish

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“So I’m still alive,” she decided with a convinced nod. “Yes!” Fisting her hands into the air, she started to dance around my room. “I knew it. I knew it. I justknewit. My body is still out there, breathing and fighting and justwaitingfor me to climb back inside it. Oh crap…” Glancing over at me, she said, “We need to get me to my body. Like, right now.”

“But it’s—” I checked the time. “It’s almost one in the morning.”

“So?” She shook her head. “My soul is freaking disconnected from my body here, Foster. Wouldyoucare what time it was?”

“No,” I had to agree. “Okay.Shit.” I glanced around the room to orient myself before admitting, “I need to get some clothes on.”

Flying out of bed, I grabbed a pair of jeans I had slung over my desk chair before pulling them on over my boxers. Then, I found a sweatshirt in my dresser and was shoving my feet into a pair of sneakers twenty seconds later.

As I stuffed my wallet and phone in my pockets, I finally noticed the surprised way Raina was simply just standing there, gaping at me.

“What?” I asked as I swiped my truck keys off my dresser and started for the back sliding door.

“Nothing, I just—” Raina sent me a helpless smile as I pulled the door open and stepped aside to let her go first. “I was just thinking that if Iwasdead and had to be stuck with this singular view for the rest of eternity, then at least it’s a good one.”

I huffed out a breath and shook my head. “Come on, Spirit Girl. Your body awaits.”

“Spirit Girl.” Brightening, she smiled at me and hurried into the night. “I like the sound of that.”

“Hopefully I won’t have to call you that for long.” Following her out, I locked the door behind me. “My truck’s around front.”

She tiptoed behind me as we made our way to the front walk. There, we jogged to my Dodge, and when I opened the passenger side door for her to get in, she glanced at me as if I were insane. But then she murmured, “Thanks,” and climbed in.

When I jogged around to climb behind the wheel, she bounced eagerly in her seat. “Seriously, thank you for doing this, Foster. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. And wow. You keep your truck, like, really clean. My car always looks as if a bomb went off inside it. Oh, hey!Thisis where you live? I’ve been through this neighborhood before. How crazy is that?”

So apparently, Raina liked to talk.

Which she did all the way to the hospital. I technically only had to respond to her about four or five times throughout the entire trip, and I was thankful because I was so tired I was only working with about a fourth of my usual brain cells.

When we reached the hospital parking lot, the vast amount of free places to park made me finally realize, “It’s past visitor’s hours. I’m not going to be able to get in.”

“Nonsense,” Raina assured. “The door to the emergency room is always unlocked. We’ll just go in through there, and then I’ll play lookout around every corner to make sure no one’s coming.”

I shrugged and tipped my head. “Could work.”

“Hell, yeah, it will,” she cheered. “Let’s do this.”

“You know, you’re a really bad influence,” I told her as I opened my door. “First, we break into a private residence together on the beach. And now you’ve talked me into breaking into a freaking hospital. But no matter what you say, I’mnothelping you rob a bank. Got it?”

When I glanced at her, she rolled her eyes, only to play along. “Oh, come on. Be a sport. We’d be rich afterward.”

I laughed and shook my head, then climbed out of the truck. After shutting my door, I jogged around to open the passenger side for her, but when I made it over there, she was already standing outside the door in the cool night.

“Holyshit!” Pulling up short, I clutched my chest dramatically.

“Good news,” she told me. “Apparently, I don’t need you to open doors for me after all.”

I nodded, trying to adjust to the fact that she could justpopfrom inside to outside the truck without opening a door. “Yeah,” I hissed out a bit sarcastically. “Great news.”

“And if you’ll recall,” she carried on, starting toward the ER entrance of the hospital. “It wasyouridea to go inside that house last night; I was just following you, thinking you belonged there.”

“I guess we’ll call it even after this, then,” I whispered, hurrying after her.

As we neared the entrance, she glanced back at me and held up a finger. “I’ll scout things out and come back to report.

When I nodded, she hurried toward the sliding door, but instead of waiting for them to open for her—because they wouldn’t—she simply disappeared inside.

I exhaled harshly and shook my head. “I am not going to get used to that.” Then I jumped out of my skin as she reappearedrightin front of me.

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