Page 180 of The Life Wish

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“You’re certainly that amorous, though,” Faith claimed.

I blushed. “Hey, Foster had a handful of some very dry years there,” I argued. “He’s just trying to catch up, and I’m…” After a small shrug, I broke into a big grin and ended with, “Well, I’m just reaping the benefits.”

“Yes, queen!” Faith called out in praise, lifting her cup to clink it against mine. “Sing it!”

“I’m so happy for y’all,” Oaklynn cooed, leaning her head over to rest the side of her brow against mine. “And I’m the first person who knew you two would make a cute couple.” Pointing at me with the hand she was using to hold her own drink, she warned, “I want you to remember that when you guys have your first kid, ya hear?”

I laughed. “Actually, Parker’s already claimed our firstborn’s name.”

“WhereisParker?” Faith asked with a squint as she glanced around the kitchen. “Doesn’t that boy know this party’s for him?”

“I think Damien told me earlier that he was in the garage, macking on a couple of girls.”

“A couple? Damn. He’s as much of a hound dog as Keene is.”

“Much subtler, though,” I said, remembering the first night I’d met both men and how they’d both flirted. Four months seemed like eons ago now.

“True,” Faith agreed, only to point at me. “Hey, that reminds me.” Then she laughed at herself, letting me know she was getting a little affected by all the alcohol she must’ve already had. “No ideahowthat reminded me, but guess what? Hudson got a new job.”

“What?!” I lit up excitedly. Foster had told me how he’d lost the last one. “Where?”

“Well, I guess this new restaurant recently opened across town, on the bay. I think it’s called V-Eleven, or something like that. Anyway, the owner somehow pinched both the saucier and friturier from Gusanos where they’d been Hudson’s supervisors before, making them the new head and sous chef at V-Eleven. And they specifically asked forHudto join their team.”

“Oh man, that’s great,” I said, gripping Faith’s hand. “Foster said Hudson really liked learning under those two.”

“He did. I think this new place is going to be even better than Gusanos. I can’t wait to see how it takes off.”

“Hey, check it,” Oaklynn broke in, bumping her arm against mine. “Looks like Parker finally settled on which girl he’s taking home tonight.”

Faith and I glanced over to find him entering the kitchen through the garage exit, his arm thrown over the shoulder of some tall, shapely goddess with long, black hair and killer heels.

“Wow, she’s pretty,” I said, taking a long drink as I watched Parker tip his face down to the side to listen to the girl say something in his ear. “I wish I could wear heels like that.”

Oaklynn glanced at me and cracked a laugh.

“I wonder what her name is,” Faith murmured, tipping her head thoughtfully as if she was sizing the gal up, determining if she was worthy enough to become another member of our group.

“Doesn’t matter,” Oaklynn answered dryly before taking a drink. “She’ll be gone again tomorrow.”

“Mmm, probably,” Faith said with a dismissive shrug as Parker’s friend stepped away from him to get herself a drink at the table.

He turned toward Thane and Damien as if to join them while she was busy, but when he caught the three of us watching him, one of his eyebrows hitched up suspiciously.

“Now this looks like trouble,” he announced as he strolled over. “Just what kind of mischief are you ladies getting yourselves into over here?”

“Hey, Park,” Oaklynn said. “Who’s your new friend?”

He sent her a look as if she was crazy for even asking. “Like I remember her name.”

“You know, if you really want to impress her,” I said, lifting onto my toes so I could reach for his hair and tousle it. “You should go for the bedhead look. Your hair is absolutely yummy when it’s all crazy and messy.”

As he sent me a frozen, startled glance, Faith snagged the top button on his shirt. “And maybe undo this next button here. That’ll catch her interest for sure.”

“Ooh, roll your sleeves a little too,” Oaklynn said. “Exposed forearms are the sexiest.”

Parker looked at the three of us in confusion before snapping, “What the fuck is happening right now?”

“We’re just so proud of you,” I answered, pinching his cheek to make him pin me with a dismayed glance. “You’re a big-time graduate now, so we thought we’d congratulate you by helping you land whoever you want tonight.”

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