Page 166 of The Life Wish

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Next to me, Keene burst out laughing.

Holding his gut, he bent slightly as he pointed at me. “Foster? You think choirboyFosterslept with a married woman? Yeah, right. That’s hilarious.”

Robbie blinked in confusion before turning to me. “But shesaidyou did.”

I furrowed my brow, honestly confused as to why she would ever reveal such a thing to him. “I don’t know why she told you that.”

Keene scoffed. “Gee, I wonder. The two of them were probably fighting.” He motioned toward Robbie. “I bet he did the babysitter or some shit. And then she tried to one up him by lying and saying she banged the hot, young local football star. Yeah,reallyhard to figure out, that one.”

When Robbie paused as if that was exactly what had happened, a bucketload of guilt sluiced through me. Then he turned to me. “So youdidn’tsleep with her?”

“I did not sleep with yourwife,” I said very carefully.

“Then who did?” Robbie asked, looking stumped as he dropped his hands down to his sides, defeated.

“Is she hot?” Keene asked. “I might be willing if you need volunteers.”

“Dude,” I warned, pushing him back protectively when Robbie narrowed his eyes.

“Who evenareyou?” Robbie demanded.

Keene sighed glumly. “Apparently no one. I just know Union here would never screw with a married chick. And besides, what are you? Likethirty? I’ve known Fos since he wasten, and never once have I seen a single cougar catch his attention. I can’t even picture himwantingsomeone so old.”

“Hey, she’s notthatold,” Robbie protested, looking insulted.

Which made Keene pounce, rebutting him with lifted eyebrows, “Oh! So now youwanthim to bang her? Seriously, man, make up your mind.”

“No! I just…” Robbie blew out a frazzled breath. “I just wanted tohitsomeone. You know?”

“Well, you did.” Keene motioned to my eye that was beginning to throb. “Bravo.”

“She is so—!” Hissing out a disgusted breath, Robbie set his hands on his hips and seethed. “I don’t know what to do about her. She’s my wife, you know. My team. I can’t quit on my team. But she just?—”

“Fucks other guys?” Keene asked sympathetically, nodding as if he actually understood. “Yeah, that sucks, man.” Then he lifted a speculative finger and asked, “Have you tried spicing it up in the bedroom for her a little? I mean, if you actually had any talent in pleasing her, maybe she wouldn’t get the urge to stray so often.”

Robbie shot him a hard glare. “Excuse me?”

I tried to discreetly motion to Keene to shut the fuck up, so he didn’t get a black eye to match mine, but he paid me no attention.

“I have an idea,” he started. “If you really want her to return toyourdick instead of seeking others elsewhere, here’s what you need to do.” He pulled up his phone. “Just check out this website, here. It’s chock-full of great ideas, I’m telling you. They have this one technique—number five—that’s become my tried-and-true favorite, which I like to call The Happy Kitty. Hell, I get strangers coming up,beggingme for it because other ladies referred them to me, I shit you not. Why don’t you give me your number, and I’ll text you the link.”

Ten minutes later, Keene was sending the cuckolded husband on his way with a friendly pat on the back.

“Thanks again,” Robbie gushed, waving with a grateful grin over his shoulder as he hurried off. “Oh, and sorry for the misunderstanding, Foster,” he called to me. “No hard feelings, huh?”

“Sure.” I sent him a tight smile. “No hard feelings.” Only to wince and glance over at Keene.

“Wow…” Keene drew out a long breath as he watched Robbie go. “Poor clueless schmuck. Ain’t no way is he gonna keep his wife faithful now that she’s got a taste for strange.”

I shook my head and lifted my hands in question. “Since when did you become a freaking marriage counselor?”

“What?” He shrugged. “I had to do something to stop him from going after you again. And the dude was having sex problems. Sex is my thing. Whywouldn’tI try to help him out?”

With that, he turned away and started back toward the house to retrieve another box as if nothing had happened.

I blinked after him before hurrying to catch up. “I have a feeling it’s more than just sex that’s wrong with their marriage.”

Keene only shrugged. “I couldn’t give a shit less what their marital problems are. I got him to leave you alone…and apologize on top of that. Mission accomplished.”

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