Page 16 of The Life Wish

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It was by pure miracle that I was able to find the restroom. And an even bigger one when I completed my task without any assistance.

I washed my hands, swaying the whole time, and then pulled the door open, ready to return for another drink.

But as I stumbled into the hall, a black streak of fur caught my attention when it darted from one of the darkened, back rooms and across the hall to another.

“Ooh!” I cried in delight. “A cat.”

I tried to enter the other darkened room, only to bump into someone who was exiting it.

“Shit, sorry,” I gushed, grabbing onto a male chest.

“It’s all good, darlin’,” a nice, masculine voice answered as he took my arm to help steady me. “You okay, there?”

“Yeah. No.” I frowned at my own answer and shook my head before lifting my gaze to blink at the hottie before me. I’d kind of been hoping he might be Foster. But he wasn’t. “I think I had too much to drink,” I admitted.

“I think you might be right,” he agreed, beginning to look amused.

I flushed because, wow, he was pretty. “Sorry that I tried to invade your room,” I told him, waving my hand madly, only to reach up and catch it with my other hand, which seemed far more sober than the first. “I thought I saw a cat run in here, and I just wanted to see it.”

“Ah. That was probably Salem. She gets skittish when too many people are around, but no, I don’t live here. I was just borrowing the restroom.”

“Oh.” I smiled at him, tipping my head as I did, which only made me dizzy, so I started to topple off to the side.

“Whoa,” he cautioned, reaching out to grip my arm. “Steady there.”

“Sorry,” I slurred again, straightening so I could restore my equilibrium.

He huffed out an entertained sound before saying, “Please tell me you’re not here alone.”

“I am not,” I reported with a nod. “I’m here with...” Crap, I suddenly couldn’t remember her name. Of course, I probably couldn’t remember my own name at the moment, so I settled for finishing with, “My sister, but…” Furrowing my brow, I glanced around for Kinsey, only to sigh and sadly admit, “I think she’s still off having sex with some flirty, one-night stand right now. The lucky shit.”

He laughed, finding this more amusing than I did.

But it really wasn’t funny to me at all. So I sent him a stern look. “That bratsaidshe was going to dress down tonight so I could be the better-looking one. But her dressing down is still, like, light years above my dressing up.” I lifted and lowered both my hands to demonstrate the comparison. “And what do you know? The very moment we walked in the damn door together, some horny asshole swarmed right in and started hitting onher. Now, they’re both MIA, and I’m just stuck here, waiting for her to finish getting laid, like the ugly little sister I apparently am.”

“Ugly?” He sniffed out a sound of disagreement and shook his head as he skimmed his gaze over me. “Sorry to disappoint, darlin’, but you are nowherenearugly.”

I brightened in pleasure. “You think so? Oh, bless you.” Grasping his forearm, I shifted closer. “What about my lipstick, though? Does it look too much like a goody two-shoes color to you? Or could I actually attract some guy with this mouth?”

His gaze dropped to my mouth, and he slipped his bottom lip between his teeth before answering, “I wouldn’t have any trouble kissing it.”

“Really?Thankyou.” Sighing in pleasure, I patted his arm gratefully, only to notice a fresh and wicked-looking scar on his forearm. “Oh my goodness. What happened?”

He glanced down and back up again. “I got stabbed.”


He shrugged. “Sliced. Whatever. This fucking asshole was possessed by a ghost and went after me with a knife.”

I laughed. “You’re so funny.”

An eyebrow lifted in amusement before he claimed, “That’s what everyone says.”

I nodded, glad that I’d pegged him right. “Do they?”

He shook his head. “Not a single person ever, no.”

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