Page 158 of The Life Wish

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Foster threw his head back and laughed. “You definitely know yourself well.”

My eyebrows arched. “Really? I took your shirt off?”

His lips parted, and his gaze roamed my face before he admitted, “Once.”

“So it was kind of like…this?” Gripping the hem of the shirt he was wearing now, I started to slowly draw it up his torso.

His throat worked as he swallowed, but he didn’t stop me as he gazed hopefully into my eyes.

“Pretty much,” he answered in a strained voice, and keeping eye contact with me, he lifted his arms to assist while I pulled the shirt over his head.

As soon as he was naked from the waist up, my gaze gobbled up his golden, toned chest before dropping to his rock-hard abs.

I tossed the shirt aside and lifted my hands to either side of his rib cage. “And you just…let me run my hands over you?” I asked.

He bobbed his head without speaking, but the moment my palms started to slide up, he drew in a sharp breath and covered my hands gently. “I just came from the gym. I haven’t showered.”

“Trust me,” I told him, tightening my grip to let him know I wasn’t giving up that easily. “You don’t stink.”

His lips lifted with amusement as he released my fingers. “You don’t either,” he murmured. His face shifted until his nose was nearly in my hair. “It’s so strange that I can finally smell you now.”

Marveling over the shockingly warm skin that I stroked, I lifted my gaze to his as I turned my hand over so I could draw the backs of my knuckles over the muscles covering his stomach. “You couldn’t smell me before?”

He shuddered before shaking his head. “No. I could see you and hear you, and eventually feel you, but I could never smell or touch you.”

Raising his hand, he just barely caught a piece of the end of my hair, and he began to wrap it around his finger.

“And now that youcantouch me?” I asked leadingly.

Foster’s blue eyes caught mine, and the heated intensity in them looked so predatory and hungry that fire flooded my belly and everything between my legs swelled tightly, aching enough that I began to throb.

“Are you sure you want me to?” he whispered.

Fuck, yes, I was sure. He had me so turned on I could feel my heartbeat through my breasts, pulsating out the ends of my nipples.

“Yes,” I rasped, and before the last hiss of an S left me, he was gripping the back of my neck with firm, knowing fingers.

Tipping my head back, he lowered his mouth, and I parted my lips for that first kiss. Except he bypassed my mouth and pressed his teeth to the front of my throat.

“Oh!” I said in surprise, already going weak in the knees from the surprise that such a sensual assault wrought.

I gripped his shoulders and threw my head back to give him more access.

He growled and wrapped one arm around my waist to tug me flush against him as he ground his erection into my stomach. His hand fisted into the back of my shirt, and he licked his way up the side of my neck.

It was so fucking hot that I lifted onto my toes, hoping to rub against him where I ached the most.

Reading my needs, he let go of my shirt to grab my ass and lift me.

“Oh God,” I groaned, feeling him right there at the apex of my thighs, large and demanding, seeking entrance through I don’t know how many layers of clothes. “Foster…”

Burying his face between my breasts, he carried me to my room, where he set me on the edge of the bed with my feet on the floor. As he stood before me and toed off his sneakers, I kicked away my sandals and then pulled my top up over my head. When I reached behind me to unhook my bra, Foster shook his head as if in starstruck awe.

But what he asked was, “Are you definitely sure? You don’thaveto do this, you know.”

I pulled the bra off and tossed it to the side. “Ineedto do this,” I told him, reaching for the waistband of his shorts to tug him close—so close that the bulge tenting out the front was right there before me. “I need something to remind me that not everything hurts. I need to forget whatdoes. I need to feel alive again. I just need toescape.”

His eyes clouded with sympathy, and he nodded, cupping my hair in his palm to tell me he understood. So I reached for his cock through the front of his shorts, and he grunted out a hungry sound, only to catch my wrist, stopping me.

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