Page 151 of The Life Wish

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“Yes, ma’am.” Alec nodded to confirm it. “He said you wanted to go check on your plant that needed watering, and you were worried about rotting food.”

Well, that did sound like me.

“So you asked him to take the key from your stuff at the hospital,” Alec explained.

“Oh my God,” I breathed, still not quite believing this. “Fostercleanedmy apartment?”

Shit. Foster had beeninsidemy apartment? That alone was too crazy to comprehend.

Shaking my head, I began to chew on my fingernails, murmuring to myself, “He probably returned my library book for me too.”

Alec shrugged, then nodded. “Probably.”

“And the flowers,” I realized. “Would he send my favorite flowers to the hospital?”

“Uh…definitely,” Alec told me as if that should be obvious.

“Holy shit,” I uttered, pressing my hand to my brow.

It hadn’t been Kinsey at all. It’d been Foster this whole time.

Zipping my attention to Alec, I demanded, “But why the hell wouldn’t he want me toknowany of this?”

“I…” He opened his mouth, only to shut it again.

“What?” I demanded. “What else don’t I know?”

“Nothing!” he insisted, lifting his hands defensively. “I swear. It’s just—well, the two of you became pretty close. I mean, you were, like,tetheredto him. Everywhere he went, you were pretty much forced to follow.”

When I winced in mortification, Alec waved his hands, swearing, “Don’t worry. It wasn’t a bad thing. You guys got along really well. He just didn’t want you to feel obligated to keep being his—uh—friend if you didn’t remember him. Since, you know, the first thing you did after waking up was tell him you didn’t want anything to do with him.”

“Oh God,” I uttered before swallowing thickly. “I did basically tell him that, didn’t I?”

“Yeah.” Alec nodded with his brows lifted. “You kind of broke his heart.”

I blinked, straightening in surprise. “I didwhat?”

“Uh…” Alec’s eyes flared with worry. “I meant, you just hurt his feelings, is all,” he quickly revised.

“I only asked him to leave me alone because I thought he felt responsible for the accident. I thought he was only being nice and visiting to appease his own guilt,” I cried defensively. “Not because we were actually friends.”

“I mean, hedidfeel guilty and responsible for what happened, but…” Alec lifted one shoulder and cringed. “He also really cares about you.”

“We—so we honestly became friends?” The idea was stunning and refreshing, and when I drew in a deep breath, I felt different. Kind ofrelieved, actually. As if something inside me had just shifted back into its rightful place.

Until I remembered how awful I’d been to him at the hospital. “Well, damn. Now I feel like an ass.”

“Which was exactly what hedidn’twant you to feel,” Alec explained kindly. “He didn’t want you worrying about any of the memories you lost. But now that you rememberedmyname,” he added hopefully. “Maybe the rest will come back to you too.”

“Maybe,” I muttered, still finding it hard to picture myself being Foster’sfriend.

I glanced at Alec. “So I just…followed him around everywhere?”

He inclined his head in affirmation. “Pretty much.”

My lips parted as I tried to imagine it. Except I couldn’t. Meeting Alec’s gaze again, I shook my head before saying, “Do you happen to know how I could get a hold of him? I’d really like to—I don’t know—make amends or something. And maybe ask him about a billion questions.”

“Of course.” He bobbed his head, already pulling a phone from his pocket. “You want to talk to him right now?”

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