Page 134 of The Life Wish

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I glanced dazedly toward the balloons, finally understanding.

Sothatwas why he’d done everything.

Out of guilt.

Well, I didn’t like that. I had my own guilt and feelings of responsibility to deal with. I didn’t want to have to deal with his too and makehimfeel better by letting him come in here and—and try to make up for Kinsey’s death by being nice and accommodating. He hadn’t done any of this because he actuallylikedor cared for me. The dude didn’t even know me.

And here, on my end, my sister wasdeadbecause of a stupid crush that I couldn’t just stop. I kind of never wanted to see Foster Union again and be reminded of what an idiot I was.

Next to me, the captain just kept gushing, though. “That boy’s a damn godsend, I’m telling you.” He blew out a breath. “He made sure I ate; he helped distract me when I didn’t want to think about everything going on. Then, he introduced me to his parents so I could have someone to talk to about losing…”

Sending me a grief-stricken look, he declared, “He’s just an all-around good kid.”

I stared at him a moment longer before asking justonemore time to be sure, “FosterUnion?”

Foster had introduced his parents tomyfather?

That went a little bitbeyondguilty conscience, didn’t it?

This was so confusing. And I was tired of being confused. Everything else was disorienting enough as it was. Why couldn’t justonething make sense?

Before the captain could respond, Darlene re-entered the room, along with what I guessed was my physical rehabilitation team.

“Hey there, Raina,” one of the guys waved to introduce himself. “My name’s Chad, and I’m going to help you walk again. How’s that sound?”

“Like the best news I’ve heard all day,” I admitted honestly, forgetting everything else and sitting up straighter.

He chuckled. “Great. So…” He rubbed his hands together eagerly. “You ready to get started?”

Was I ever! I whipped the blanket off my lap and turned sideways on my bed to swing my legs over the side, which made everyone laugh.

“I think she’s ready,” the captain answered for me.

They brought me a walker and crowded close. I swear, six people gathered around, just standing there, waiting for me to fall on my face.

Even Chad seemed doubtful that I’d have much luck.

“Just remember,” he said. “It’s been a few weeks since you’ve done this. Your muscles have depleted enough of their mass that you might only be working with twenty to forty percent of the strength you’re used to. And also”—he winced—“that part of your brain that knows how tousethese muscles might’ve been damaged. So don’t be disheartened if nothing happens the first time. Right now, I’d be pleased if you could even stand on your own.”

I nodded, more determined than ever to prove him wrong. Iwasgoing to stand. Hell, I was going to walk; I just knew it.

Except when I reached out my arms to grip the rails of the walker, my right arm took a bit of prodding from the ol’ brain to actually work right.

Not a great start.

Gritting my teeth, I glanced around to see the expressions around me turn doubtful.

Well, hold my ice chips, fellas, and watch this shit. Raina Bollen was about to fucking walk.

I latched my fingers around the walker in a death grip and hoisted myself up.

Only to put the slightest amount of weight on my knees and crumple like a deck of cards.


A dozen different hands caught me, keeping me from landing on the tile. “Whoa, there. Hey!” Chad cooed as everyone eased me back on the bed. “Back down we go.”

Frustration rose hotly inside me because I couldn’t do something so simple.

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