Page 13 of The Life Wish

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Kinsey turned to send me a severe glance. “But you’re not positive?”

Before I could answer, some chick went streaking up to Hudson and tried to reach between him and Damien to nick a drink from the counter behind them. But Hudson shifted to block her.

“Hey, hey. You gotta pay the price of admission for one of my special brews.”

Setting her hands on her hips, the woman huffed. “Oh, come on. I’m up next to play the winner of this game. You’re going to make me lose my chance to kick either Keene or Alec’s ass.”

Hudson pouted for a second. “But I was just trying to get a kiss.”

“Oh.” Softening, the girl swept in and wrapped both arms around his neck. “In that case…” She kissed him long and thoroughly, and he gripped her ass to pull her close, only to groan in denial when she pulled away again.

Lashes flickering open, Hudson gifted her with a soft smile. “Alright, you can have two drinks.”

His girl laughed in delight and drifted the backs of her fingers over his face before filching two cups and then turning to hurry off.

“Love you,” he called after her. “And good luck. Kick ass.”

“Don’t need it, but thanks. Love you back.” Lifting one of her drinks to wave in farewell, she disappeared through a side door that must lead into the garage, where half the room roared in applause and the other booed, telling us a round of beer pong had obviously just ended.

Leaning toward Kinsey, I whispered, “Like I said, Ithinkhe has a girlfriend.”

“What the hell?” She lifted her hands in defeat. “Are there no single guys left in this town or what?”

As she spoke, the door that Hudson’s girlfriend had disappeared through opened again, and a complete hottie who looked vaguely familiar entered the house.

His gaze raked over the room as he started to pass through it, only for him to do a double take when he spotted us.

“Well, hey there,” he greeted, changing course so he could approach. “I cannot believe this; the two prettiest girls just arrived, and I don’t knoweitherof your names. Now if that’s not a crying shame, I don’t know what is.”

While I refrained from rolling my eyes, Kinsey laughed and drew closer to him, finding a kindred spirit.

“Kinsey,” she said, holding out her hand in a way that somehow said she was open for sex. I had no clue how she did it, either. She just held out her damn hand, and even I could tell that she was really saying,yes, I will do anything you want.

It was like freaking magic, I swear.

“And this is my sister, Raina.”

“Sisters?” Eyebrows perking up with interest, the guy glanced between me and Kinsey with a wolfish grin. “I accept.”

I cringed, but Kinsey threw her head back and laughed. Then, setting a hand against his chest, she murmured, “Sorry, partner. But Ray-Ray here would never go for a threesome.”

Glancing at me, the guy merely shrugged. “That’s okay. One at a time’s fine with me, too.”

I snorted, impressed by his flamboyance and yet totally not interested, while Kinsey laughed again and nearly started to justhangfrom his arm. “Oh, Ilikeyou.”

Appreciating her attention, he turned toward her fully and grinned back. “You better. ’Cause anyone who don’t like Keene Dugger just ain’t worth a grain of sand.”

“Oh,you’reKeene!” I blurted in surprise, realizing I probably should’ve deduced that already from the way Oaklynn had described him as a total hound dog.

He glanced over with one lifted eyebrow. “Yes, ma’am. The one and only. Am I legendary enough that you’ve heard of me?”

I shrugged, suddenly feeling weird for just blurting out his name. “Only from what Oaklynn says,” I admitted lamely.

“Ah, you’re friends with Vargas,” he realized with a nod, studying me a moment longer before snapping his fingers. “Oh,right! Raina. You’re the chick she keeps harassing Union to meet.”

“Oh my God,” I groaned in horror. “Sheharasseshim? Like, truly, honestly annoys him?”

He snorted out a laugh. “He’s started to avoid her because of it.”

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