Page 118 of The Life Wish

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Raina blinked at me in confusion. “Emma?”

“Mrs. Crowder,” I clarified. “My sister’s best friend’s mom.”

“Oh! Right.Her. Your Mrs. Robinson.”

I cringed over the Mrs. Robinson term. Even though it was apt.

Beside me, Raina blew out a depressed breath. “Man, you really do have a terrible track record.”

“Right?” It was about time she agreed.

Glancing at me with sympathy, she let her shoulders drop in depression, only to draw in a deep breath and then announce, “That’s it. We’re changing your luck. Right now.”

My brow furrowed in confusion until she gripped the hem of the shirt she was wearing and whipped it up over her head. “You and I are gettin’ kinky. Tonight.”



Startled, I bolted upright, blinking at the two-tone bra Raina revealed with hot pink cups and black straps and back. It cupped her breasts to perfection with a lift that had them bubbling perkily over the top. The rest of her midriff was soft and perfect with a delicious amount of curve to her waist and hips.

“Wha—what’re you doing?” I demanded, unable to look away as I scanned her body yet again.

“Stripping,” she announced the obvious as she stood up on the mattress to put herself on display. “All this time, I was doing it wrong. After the sucky past you had, no way are you going to feel open and secure with your sexuality. So I shouldn’t have been begging you to takeyourshirt off. I should’ve been takingmineoff in an effort to make nudity more comfortable for you.”

“Yeah, except I’m feeling decidedlyuncomfortableat the moment with you being all—oh…fuck.”

As she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of her jogging shorts and pushed them down over her hips, words failed me.

Because she hadn’t been wearing any panties.

Next, she reached behind her to unhook her bra, letting it fall to the floor, so she was left completely naked.

“Let’s investigate that,” she murmured, lifting a single foot and slipping her toes over my ankle as she moved to stand over me. “Why do you think you feel so uncomfortable?” Then she killed me even more by slowly lowering herself until she was sitting directly on my lap.

When all that pressure weighed against my straining erection, I shuddered and closed my eyes. “I really don’t know,” I admitted in a hoarse voice. “But it might have something to do with the naked ghost sitting on my dick.”

She laughed only to chase it with a groan as she shifted her hips against her. “Wow. We can definitely rule out impotence as your problem.”

I grabbed a handful of sheets under me as the pleasure spiked through my cock in waves. “Raina…” I pleaded, not sure if I could handle this without exploding.

When she touched my cheek tenderly, I blinked my eyes open.

“It’s okay,” she assured me as she gently stroked the ends of her fingertips along my jaw. “I’m here. I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you.”

I rolled my eyes ruefully, embarrassed that she actually felt the need to talk to me as if I were a frightened child. But shit, I was honestly scared out of my mind at the moment. I just couldn’t handle the thought of doing anything that might chase her off.

Brow furrowing, she paused suddenly and tipped her face. “Youareokay with me doing this, right?”

A nervous laugh trilled from my lungs. “I am beyond okay with you doing this,” I assured her. “That issonot the problem right now.”

Her fingers sank into my hair and her lap ground down a little harder against mine, making my eyes roll in my head.

“Then what’s the problem?” she asked me patiently.

“I don’t know,” I admitted, blinking at her pathetically. “I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to say or where to touch. I mean, if Icouldtouch you. I’m just—I’m so fucking petrified that I’ll mess it up, and you’ll run out of here, too horrified to ever talk to me again.”

“Okay, first of all,” she said, pausing to lift a finger sternly. And I had to decide that being stern and nakedreallyworked for her. “That’s never going to happen. Even if youdiddo something I wasn’t fond of, I trust you enough to stop when I say stop. And I know you well enough to realize you’d never mean to do something in a hurtful, malicious way in the first place.”

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