Page 117 of The Life Wish

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“Nah. Alec said she went home not long after that too.”

With a disappointed sigh, Raina shook her head. “What an idiot. I cannot believe she would do that to you. Did you ever talk to her again?”

“No. She tried to reach out on social media, but I blocked her.”


I smiled at her reaction.

“But, you know,” she started, sounding logically thoughtful. “That shouldn’t make you think you’re bad at it. So far, it just sounds as if you’ve only had bad luck choosing thegirl. What about all the others?”

“You mean, all two of the others?” I asked dryly.

“Two?” Her eyes widened. “Wait. Wait. You’ve only been withthreedifferent people and had sex a total ofthreetimes?”

I grimaced through the misery of hearing that announced aloud. “Pretty pathetic, huh?”

“Whoa,” was all she could murmur as she shook her head slowly in amazement. Which made me infinitely curious about her.

“How many times have you—” Except I cut myself off right there, realizing that was about the most inappropriate thing to ever ask a girl. Waving my hand with a cringe, I gushed, “Sorry. Scratch that question.”

But she didn’t seem to mind being asked.

“Okay, so I’ve only been withoneguy,” she relented. “But we did it way more than three times.”

“You had a serious boyfriend?” I asked, feeling jealousy seep from my pores.

She nodded. “In high school, from sophomore year to halfway through my senior year. He was a year older and went to college first, where he decided he didn’t like long-distanceorbeing tied down when there was so much college pussy around to experience.”

I grimaced for her. “Gah. That sucks.”

“It really did,” she agreed sadly. “I thought we were going to be high school sweethearts who grew old together and celebrated our seventy-fifth anniversary with our great-great-grandchildren, and he was going to be the only person I was ever with.” Pausing, she shuddered with revulsion. “Oh my God. If I don’t wake up, hewillbe.” Turning to me in horror, she wailed, “I don’t want MattyRowlandto be the only jackass I ever had sex with.”

My heart wrenched for her. I hated that she felt about as unlucky with relationships as I did. But it also made me feel more on her level too. She might just be able to understand my plight after all.

Waving her hand as if to air out such odorous thoughts, she wrinkled her nose and announced, “Okay, I need some distraction from that. Finish telling me about all your women.”

I laughed uneasily. “I don’t want to bore you with my?—”

“Oh, I’manythingbut bored,” she insisted. “Now talk.”

This time, my laugh was more amused. “Okay, okay. So after Laurel was Sydney. She was a summer fling between my senior year of high school and freshman year of college. She came to Westport with her family for a few weeks to rent a place on the beach.”

“And?” Raina insisted, rolling her hand.

I shrugged. “And nothing. We clicked, and the day after we finally hooked up, she went back home with her parents…without telling me.”

Raina winced. “Ouch.”

With a nod to agree, I continued, “She left me a note, though, telling me how sorry she was for leaving so soon. The worst part was when she asked me to not contact her again because she had a boyfriend back home.”

“What?” Raina’s mouth dropped open. “Oh my God. Did you know?”

“Of course not.”

“Holy shit.”

“Yeah,” I agreed dismally. “It was supernotfun to learn that I’d been involved in a cheating situation. But I have to admit, Emma telling me she was going back to her husband sucked even more. I didn’t even cheat with that one, and yet I feel way more like a cheater between those two than I ever did with Sydney.”

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