Page 112 of The Life Wish

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And laughing, I popped out of my car to land on the sidewalk in front of it.

Foster pointed at me in warning through the windshield, then opened his door, calling, “Don’t you dare say yes to him.Raina…”

As he climbed from the Mazda, I smirked and turned away to start toward the building.

“Raina,” he said again, hurrying after me, only to realize some guy was exiting the building and had heard him saying my name.

Foster cleared his throat and faltered a step before tipping up his face in greeting as the other guy sent him a leery look. “Hey, man. How’s it going?”

“That’s my neighbor, Linden,” I explained.

“Have a good day, Linden,” Foster said, and when Linden squinted in surprise, Foster saluted him.

Then Foster turned away and walked off, leaving poor Linden scratching his head in confusion.

“I think he gave my sister a joint the last night she was here. Which reminds me… I bet the butt is still lying on my balcony right now. Do you think you could pick it up and throw it away when we get up there? I really don’t want the captain to think it’s mine.”

“I’ll take care of it,” Foster assured as he slowed to a stop and glanced at the three different outdoor stairwells connected to the front of the building. “Which way?”

“Over here,” I pointed, leading the way to the middle one. “I’m on the second floor in 2G.”

“2G,” he repeated with a thumbs-up. “Got it.”

I led him up the stairs and straight to my door, where he held up one of my keys. “This one?”


He slotted the key into the lock, and it turned with ease. But the moment he started to pull the door open, I held up a hand. “Wait.”

Foster glanced at me with lifted eyebrows.

I cringed. “Please don’t judge, but I’m not exactly neat.”

His features softened into a smile. “You’ve been bunking with me for the past two weeks. You’re fully aware that I can be messy too.”

“Yeah, but—” Whimpering as he pressed the door the rest of the way open and stepped inside, I fisted my hand into a ball and pressed it to my mouth.

Foster paused in the doorway. “Oh, wow.”

“I know,” I groaned. “I’m a freaking slob.”

But he only shrugged and stepped the rest of the way inside, shutting the door behind him. “It’s mostly just clothes,” he said as he walked through the front room. “Which makes sense with the way you can never decide what to wear.”

“Hey,” I cried in outrage.

Foster only grinned over his shoulder at me. “What? You change outfits, like, a dozen times a day.”

“Only because Ican,” I argued. “And because I hate making fashion decisions.”

Picking up the first pile I had draped over a side chair, he answered, “Clearly.”

I narrowed my eyes but then followed him as he gathered all the clothing in my front room like some kind of mother hen and started to carry them into the bedroom.

“I can’t believe you’re actually doing this for me,” I said, biting my lip and feeling guilty all over again for asking so much of him. “I owe you so big for this.”

Winking at me, he answered, “I’ll take an hour-long back scratch in payment if you don’t mind.”

“Done,” I swore.

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