Page 105 of The Life Wish

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I glanced at her without speaking, and her gaze flared with shock.

She gulped audibly. “Oh... Wow.”

The news seemed to stump her.

I shook my head, feeling defensive. “What did you think was going to happen after I was around you twenty-four hours a day?”

“I don’t know.” She shrugged helplessly. “That you’d grow extremely annoyed and become more than eager to get rid of me.”

“Well, you’re not annoying, sorry.”

“I mean.” She cringed. “Icanbe.”

“Not to me.”

When I blew through a red light because absolutely no one was at the intersection at this time of night, Raina shuddered and hugged herself. “Foster,” she started in concern. “I might never wake up from this coma.”

I sobbed out a painful moan and then shook my head. “You’re gonna wake up.”

Raina remained quiet the rest of the way to the hospital.

Parking as close to the ER doors as I could get, I killed the engine and jumped out, running as soon as my shoes hit the pavement.

Inside, the receptionist glanced up from her window, but I blew by her, racing toward the door that had been unlocked last time.

I didn’t even pause when I heard, “Excuse me.Sir!”

Inside the corridor of the main hospital, Raina yelped, “Oh my God! Could you at least wait long enough for me to scout the area?”

“No time,” I panted, hitting the doors to the stairwell in record time.

Once I reached the fourth floor, I exploded into the intensive care unit like a madman.

The two nurses at their station whirled in surprise, and the one who’d kicked me out the first night that I’d snuck in shot to her feet in surprise.

“Mr. Union,” she scolded, hurrying my way. “We already talked about this. Visiting hours are?—”

“You need to check on Raina. Right now. Please,” I gasped before bending at the waist and gripping my knees to catch my breath.

She pulled up short and blinked at me in surprise before shaking her head. “We just did our rounds a few minutes ago, and your girlfriend is perfectly?—”

“Can you just do it again? I have—I have this feeling.”

Wincing when I couldn’t explain more, I gave the nurse a weak smile, hoping to play on her sympathies.

But she sighed in aggravation. “I’m telling you, Miss Bollen is doing just fine. All her vitals look good. The swelling in her brain is dissipating. She. Is. Healing.”

I exhaled in defeat before closing my eyes briefly and blurting, “Her leg hurts. Right here.” I touched the side of my own lower leg. “On the calf.”

Blinking at me twice, the nurse furrowed her brow in question and slowly said, “That’s…oddly specific.”

“I’m so sorry for bothering you,” I swore with a frantic shake of my head. “But if you could just humor me and check her leg real quick; it’ll take thirty seconds of your time, and I’ll get out of your hair again, I swear.”

“Well, now you have me curious,” she admitted with an obliging nod as she turned away and started down the hall. When I hurried after her, she didn’t try to stop me.

“Thank you so—somuch,” I gushed, keeping up with her. “You have no idea how much I appreciate this.”

When we reached Raina’s room, her spirit was already there, standing next to her bedside. Glancing up at me, she shook her head. “I mean, I look fine,” she said, motioning to her own face.

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