Page 29 of Tryggred By the Orc

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Hewinced even as he said it, foolish, foolish, of courseTryggrknew his clan, right?ButTryggr’smouth was still kissing, his hands still caressing, his prick still slightly spasming deep inside. “Eben,” he repeated, as if testing it, assessing it, just like he’d done with his finger inEben’sarse. “Eben, ofClanKa-esh.It’sa good name, pet.Realgood.”

Eben’sshudder was fierce, far too conspicuous, butTryggr’swarm hands just kept stroking, rubbing it out, easing him back into steadiness again. “Soyou never wantedBoss’swoman, then?” cameTryggr’svoice, more careful than before. “Noteven a little bit?”

Eben’shead instantly shook back and forth, as a choked-sounding laugh escaped from his throat. “Ach, no,” he croaked. “Iwas only — jealous.Iwished for you to — notice me, and bring me joy, and…come around.AsDraflidid with her.”

Andit was foolish again, shameful, butTryggr’smouth just kept kissing his neck, warm hands steadily stroking at his sides. “An’ what about other women, then?”Tryggrasked, and that sounded careful, too. “Youlong for one?Ora son?”

Eben’slaugh was easy and incredulous this time, as his still-invaded arse gave a tight, sustained squeeze againstTryggr’ssolid flesh. “No,” he breathed. “Never.”

Hecould scentTryggr’srelief, could feel his heavy exhale on his neck. “Good, pet,” he said, hoarse. “Neverdid much for me, either.Eventried a coupla times, even just to mayhap givePaa grandson, but it never stuck, ach?Notlike this.”

Notlike this.Likethis, with his breath onEben’sneck, his prick inEben’sarse, his possessive hands strokingEben’sskin.Andthe sweet heady taste in his scent, the taste that somehow seemed so much stronger, unmarred by any of that darkness or jealousy.Hunger.Triumph.Affection.Awe.

“Shouldajust fucking asked,”Tryggrwent on, his voice slightly cracking. “Justthought — thought it was so clear in your scent, ach?An’Icould scent how you liked me, too, soIthought — ach.Thoughtyou might just tell me what we both wanted to hear, only for it to come haunt us later.OnceIgot myself too attached to stay away.”

Ebencouldn’t seem to speak, but it was all shifting and settling in his thoughts, sinking into comprehension, or even sympathy.WhileTryggr’sbreath shuddered against his neck, his hands gripping even tighter, as if to keep holdingEbenhere upon him, where he could never escape…

“Butgot too attached anyway,”Tryggrwhispered, with a broken little laugh. “Couldn’tstand to hurt you, or keep away from you.You’reso sweet,Ka-esh, so pretty, so fuckingperfect.”

What?Eben’sdisbelief finally cut through the shuddering warmth, his head rapidly shaking. “Ach, no,” he gulped. “Iam not,Iam —”

Butoh, those wereTryggr’sclaws, pricking into his skin. “Ach, you are,” he insisted. “You’reso damned clever.Youknow so much.Youwork so hard.You’redevoted to helping all your kin, even if you have to put up with constant rubbish to do it.Ach, you’ve been so good and patient withDuff, when so many people barely even see him, let alone think he’s worth talking to.Hewouldn’t stop asking” —Tryggrhuffed a low laugh — “whyIwasn’t making you reek more ofSkai, so you’d keep coming round, and helping us.”

Eben’smouth twitched up, even though his head attempted another shake — butTryggr’sclaws were digging in deeper, shuddering him to stillness. “An’ you were loyal, too,” he said, harder. “Youcoulda gone back to that dungeon, to thatGarethprick, any fucking time you wanted — but you didn’t.Youtook my scent, and then kept it only mine, when you didn’t need to.You— gave me that,Ka-esh, without me even asking.An’ that means a lot, mayhap most of all to aSkai, ach?”

Right.Eben’sthoughts had again flicked back to those oldSkairules, toSkainot offering fealty to other orcs.Butclearly some of them still wanted it, likeDrafli, and maybe… maybe nowTryggr, too.

“An’ mayhap it’s vain of me,”Tryggradded, husky, “butIken you’re also the prettiest little thingI’veever seen in my life, ach?You’reso pretty it hurts,Ka-esh, most of all when you blush and stammer like you do, and flutter your big eyes at me.An’ then you say all the sweet things you do, and tell me you wanna honour me, and then you fucking just — bend over, and offer it up, too.Youoffer up this, give me this — but then you want me to take it, too?Wantme to pound you, to get rough with you?Todo whatever the hellIwant with you?Makeyou beg and squeal and squirt for me?”

Fuck.Eben’sown hunger was surging again, shuddering up between them, seizing him aroundTryggr’sprick — andTryggrmoaned, breathless, even as his hand gaveEben’sarse another firm slap. “An’ fuckingthat,” he breathed. “Neverfelt anything like this tight little arse of yours,Ka-esh.Likeit’s just made to be fucked and filled by a goodSkaiprick.Justlike” — he hissed,ground deeper — “that perfect mouth of yours, too.Youken what it did to me that day, to have your pretty head in my lap, your big eyes worshipping me, whileIburied my prick in your tight little throat, and blasted my bollocks straight into your belly?”

Oh, hell.Eben’smoan rasped from his mouth, his body clamping even tighter aroundTryggr’sinvading prick. “Ach,” he gasped, thoughtless, helpless. “Itwas — so good.AllIever — longed for.”

Tryggr’sanswering groan was low and approving, his hips steadily thrusting.Movingeasier, now, slicker, because he’d already pouredEbenso full of him — but oh, that made it even better,Tryggr’sthick cock now gliding smooth and slippery againstEben’sgrip, his breath hitching againstEben’sneck.

“Soyou’re gonna be mine, ach, pretty pet?”Tryggrhissed, low and dangerous intoEben’sthroat, and oh, that was his hand, too, curling close and possessive aroundEben’sneck. “You’regonna sign over this tight little arse to me, and let me do whatever the hellIwant with it?”

Fuck, yes, yes, please, andEbenwas babbling it aloud, shuddering and staggering over the washbasin — but wait,Tryggrhad hesitated, and his hand aroundEben’sneck softened.Cradlingit, caressing it, as if it were something precious, something cherished.

“Butyou ken,Eben,” he said, slower now, his voice careful onEben’sname. “Youcan always say no to me too, ach?An’ me wanting to make you mine, take you as my pet, you ken it’s more about — playing and fucking, ach?It’snot about me seeing you as weak, or below me, naught like that.It’sme knowing how damn good you are, how perfect you are, and wanting to — to honour you, and take good care of you, and keep you happy and safe.Itmeans —Icare.An’ it means” — he exhaled, slow andshuddering — “Iwant to keep you,Eben.Wantto care for you, as long asIcan.”

Morewarmth was shimmering and sparking, deep inEben’svery soul, and he had to fight to find words, to bring up truth. “I— want that too,” he whispered, his eyes blinking hard. “Ihave wanted it for — so long.Butach,Ihave not wished to be foolish, or weak, or subservient, or —”

Heswallowed hard, twitching his head back and forth, his father’s distant voice rising — butTryggr’smouth was kissing him again, his hand gently stroking his throat. “Ach,Iken,” he murmured. “Youdeserve kindness, and honour, and respect.Deserveto have your wishes heard and followed and protected.An’ if some snippyAsh-Kaior foolKa-esh starts barrelling over you, or giving you grief, you deserve to have yourSkaibacking you up and hurling daggers.”

Oh.Oh, yes, oh please.AndEbentruly couldn’t speak now, not with the quivering happiness choking in his breath, escaping in a half-laugh, half-sob.AndTryggrhuffed a low, relieved-sounding laugh too, his hand caressing harder againstEben’sthroat, his prick giving an experimental little grind inside.

“Andyou deserve a goodSkaiprick filling up your arse, don’t you, pet?”Tryggrsaid, lower. “Youdeserve a strongSkaiploughing whenever you wish, ach?”

Yes, yes, andEbenfrantically nodded, so hard he almost staggered sideways — but oh,Tryggrstill had him safe, had him by the neck, and up the arse. “Good, pet,” he growled, as he drew a little out, and sank back inside. “Realgood.An’ from now on, you’re only gonna scent of me.Nofucking carelessKa-esh, no shitty smiths, none of it.Justme.”

Eben’snod came even faster, more fervent, wrenching his neck inTryggr’sgrip, and oh,Tryggrrewarded it with a gentle prod of claws, a snap of his teeth in his ear. “An’ you kenI’lltake such good care of you, pet,” he breathed. “I’llmake you beg andscream and weep for me, as much as you damn well want.But” — he slammed in harder, deeper — “there’ll be no fucking lashes in our bed, you ken?Nothingthat puts you at risk, because you’remine, an’Iwon’t — fucking — allow it.”

Hepunctuated the words with stunning, juddering slams of his cock, his hand yanking up and sideways onEben’sbraid, makingEbentwist to look at him.Andoh, fuck, howTryggrlooked, his eyes blazing, his teeth bared, his face flushed bright.AndEbencould only nod, hold his gaze, squeeze that still-driving prick as fiercely as he could, yes, yes,yes.

“Yes, sir,” he whispered, to those dangerousSkaieyes, his lashes fluttering. “Whateveryou wish, sir.”

Andyes, yes,Tryggr’sgroan shook between them, his eyes rolling back as he gouged in, raw and ravenous and desperate — and then he sprayed out, again.PouringEbenfull of him, again, and this time,Ebensomehow found the strength to clutch his own straining prick in hand, and pump out his own release, too.Sprayingit even wider acrossGareth’swasher, covering it all over with his seed, seeping it into all the cracks and crevices.Ensuringit would always smell of this, of them, ofTryggrfucking outEben’sseed, and making him his own.

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