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Louisasputtered and glared at him, gritted her teeth against that dagger — and she should have just spat it out, thrown it straight back at him, but she didn’t.Shedidn’t, andKillikkept smirking at her as he grasped that chain belt on her dress, and drew it out with a flourish.

“Soyou shallbehavefor once, woman,” he drawled, as he swiped for her arm, and thrust it down to the table’s hard wood above her head. “Andyou shalllearn.”

Oh, gods, he wasn’t doing this, shoving her other arm up over her head alongside the first — and then wrapping that chain swiftly around her wrists.Bindingthem close together, and then deftly swinging the chain’s other end down around the table leg, and — trapping her there.TrappingLouisahere, on this table, in this public room, with a dagger between her teeth, and with — she shot a chagrined glance downwards — her entire front now bared for his cool, glinting eyes.Exceptfor that leather loincloth, hanging over where her legs were now spread around his hips…

Butwith an easy flick ofKillik’shand, the loincloth flipped up, too.Whilehis other hand yanked down his own trousers, revealing the sudden, shocking sight of his rigid leaking cock.Waiting, hovering, jutting straight out toward her…

“Better,”Killikbreathed, his eyes gleaming on the sight. “Nowopen wide, woman.”

Oh, hell.AndLouisashould have argued, or made some effort to extract herself — right?Butinstead, she was… nodding.Obeying.Openingher thighs wider, waiting, breaths gasping and heart pounding, asKillikleaned forward, lined them up, and then plunged himself fast and deep inside.

Louisa’smoan rang through the room, her body convulsing and clamping againstKillik’sjabbing strength inside her — but he hadn’t betrayed even a gasp, and was already drawing out again.Andthen snapping back inside, hard enough to make her teeth clack on the dagger, her breasts jiggling for his cool watching eyes.

“Evenbetter,”Killikdrawled, as he drew out again, and sank back inside. “Youare so much sweeter, woman, when you are stuck silent and shivering upon a strongSkaiprick.”

Louisagrowled and glared at him, but still didn’t spit out the dagger, and he smirked at her as he kept plunging, faster and harder, his bollocks slapping, the slick sounds rising between them.AndLouisa’sgroans were rising too, thick with longing and craving and frustration, and curse him,Killikwas enjoying this.Hewas doing this on purpose, making a damned show of her, his smug eyes sliding sideways, toward —

Ulfarr.Ulfarr, standing just inside the common-room’s door, and staring at them.Hislips parting as his eyes swept overLouisa’schained hands, her blocked mouth, her juddering jostling breasts, andKillikstill pounding away between her legs.

“Comemark this,Wolf,”Killiksaid, without even a catch in his voice, or a break in his rhythm. “Shehas finally stopped with the ceaseless demands, ach?”

Ulfarr’smouth twitched, and he strode over toward them, his hand adjusting the front of his trousers. “Killik,” he said, as he came to stand behind him, his eyes still raking up and downLouisa’schained, jiggling body. “Shemay yet wish to speak.”

Histone was admonishing, even disapproving, but it didn’t at all reflect the hungry glitter in his eyes, the brush of his black tongue against his lips.WhileKillikrolled his eyes, and then reached and snatched the dagger fromLouisa’smouth. “Ach, then, woman?” he demanded. “Aughtto say?”

Louisagulped for air, tugged at the chain, and glared up atKillik’sface. “Sucha tyrant,” she gasped at him. “Suchan arrogant, belligerentdegenerate, so obsessed with your damned show —”

ButKillikpromptly shoved the blade back in place between her lips, and gaveUlfarra smug, placid smile. “See?” he said. “Muchbetter to shut her up, you ken.”

Louisagrowled back at him through the dagger, andUlfarr’stongue again brushed his lips, his eager eyes flicking back and forth between them.Asif he liked this, wanted more of this, andKillik’sgrin quirked higher as he searchedLouisa’sflushed face.

“Andif she thinks this isdegenerate,Wolf,” he drawled, “Iken she needs another lesson, ach?Anda better seat in my show.”

Wait, wait, what did he mean, but he was slowly drawing out again, bobbing fully free of her with a slick squelch.Andthen he gripped both hands atLouisa’sthighs, and shoved them upwards, backwards, toward her chest.Sohis glistening, dripping length could slide further down her slippery open crease, lower and lower, until…

Louisachoked, her body quaking all over, her eyes jolting wide — butKillikonly raised his brows, and kept giving her that cool, challenging smile.Waitingfor her to refuse this, perhaps, to spit out his dagger and demand he release her.Totell him she would never allow him to do such a thing, let alone where anyone might walk in and see it.Andperhaps more importantly, whereUlfarrwould see it…

ButwhenLouisadarted a glance atUlfarr, his eyes were still warm, glittering, approving.Asif he wanted this, too — and he’d even shifted closer, so he could stroke his hand against her hot sweaty cheek. “Shouldyou ever need it,Louisa,” he murmured, “this is our sign to stop.”

He’draised his other hand, fingers outstretched, and flicked it sideways.Asmall movement, but an obvious one, and one that could still be used with bound wrists, too.AndUlfarrwas tellingLouisathis, becauseUlfarrwanted this — and gods, yes, she wanted it too.Enoughthat she nodded at him, atKillik, and then made that circling motion with her hand, instead.Saying,Keepgoing.

Killik’sgrin curved higher, and yes, he was gently prodding intoLouisanow, into that place where evenLordScallhad never once touched her.Andit felt so foreign, so strange,Killik’shard tip seeking into her tight rim, and — oh — maybe even sinking a little inside.Becausethey were both so wet and slick already, and she could feel more of that thick fluid sputtering out of him, seeping its way inside her, oh…

“Careful, pup,” murmuredUlfarr’slow voice, makingLouisa’sheart skip — and his glinting eyes were intently watching this, one hand again adjusting the bulge in his own trousers, as his other hand strokedKillik’sback. “Begentle, andslow.Granther as much seed as you can, to ease the way.”

Fuck.Evenhis voice twistedLouisa’shunger harder, surging it deeper into her belly.AndperhapsKillikfelt it too, because instead of making some snide comment in return, he only nodded, and shifted his grip onLouisa’sthighs.Sohe could drop one hand down to his cock, and begin… pumping.Milkinghimself with firm, steady strokes, andLouisacould feel his gently invading tip shuddering against her, squeezing out more of that slickness inside her, so he could sink a little deeper, please, yes,please.

Hiseyes stayed intent on what he was doing, on his body slowly, slowly pressing into her, sinking deeper and deeper, opening her wider and wider.Hewas doing this,Louisawas doing this, craving this, needing this.Shewas bound and gasping and arching on a table, in public, as an orc coolly, casually fed himself into her most secret place, skewering her whole upon him, while a second orc watched, andapproved.

“Breathe,Louisa,”Ulfarrmurmured, as his warm hand slid down, and curved against one of her heaving breasts. “Seekto be soft for my pup, and open.”

Right, right, and somehowLouisanodded, and obliged.Draggingin a deep, desperate breath, drawing up the strength of the table beneath her, willing her body to relax, to welcome this.TowelcomeKillik’shard intruding flesh, still pressing in breath by breath, pushing his way through her resistance, slower, and slower, deeper and deeper, until…

Shearched and groaned asKillik’sskin met hers, his hips jutted tight against her arse.Becausehe was inside her, he was all the way inside her, his cock straining and pulsing, his eyes hazy and hungry on her face. “Ach, thus, woman,” he breathed. “Andnow, you need another strongSkaiploughing,Iken.”

Louisagasped through his dagger and glared at him, even as her body powerfully clamped against his invading strength — and she didn’t missKillik’slow hiss through his teeth, his cock’s long, sustained spasm inside her.WhileUlfarrhissed too, his eyes angling narrow and flinty towardKillik’sface. “Isaid,gentle, pup,”Ulfarrordered, as his own hand carefully strokedLouisa’speaked nipple. “Andguide her through this with you, also.Youshallnotharm her.”

Killikbetrayed another hard shudder inside her, but again, he didn’t argue, or protest.Andinstead, he even bowed his head towardUlfarr, and swiftly signed something that might have been,Iunderstand,Wolf, before meetingLouisa’seyes again.

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