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Killikshook his head, and twitched a wry half-smile. “Onlyone,” he said, “up in the north.Thoughwe may regret inviting him,Iken.”

ButRosawas already writing it down, and frowning irritably between them. “Whatelse?” she demanded. “WhatotherSkaisecrets are you keeping from us?”

Ulfarrwas still looking thoughtful, his fingers drumming on the table. “Ihave not seen rope-walking sinceIwas an orcling,” he said, with a wry glance towardKillik. “ButIshould like to see you try this, pup.Anddo you recall thehirthskaldswho once ran inSichfrith’spack?”

Killikcracked a bright, sudden laugh, his eyes glinting onUlfarr’sface. “Ach, and their wild tales,” he replied. “Andhow they sought to best each other with their drums andflyting!Theywere as fierce as any warrior,Iken.”

Ulfarrwas grinning now too, and his hand dropped to gripKillik’sknee under the table. “Ishould like to see you try this, also,” he said. “YouandLouisatogether, mayhap.”

Louisa’sbrows snapped up, andKillikangled a brief, lingering glance toward her, as though he might have been considering it — whileRosafrantically took notes, her mouth set thin. “Ihavenever heard of this before,” she said, sounding scandalized by this fact. “Andyouwilldo it,Killik.Andthen explain to me all about it!”

Killikrolled his eyes at her, but didn’t actually argue, either. “Wecould also show forging, and rope braiding, and rope swinging,” he added. “Andwhat about honey hunting?Iyet remember my father climbing to the treetops with a pole and a basket.”

Rosa’sbreath caught, and she scribbled even faster. “Brilliant,” she said breathlessly. “Thisis an excellent list, thank you.And” — she shot a piercing glance betweenKillikandUlfarr— “you’ll also tailor some of these activities for orclings and children, right?Soyou can both lead some classes during theSummit, too?”

Ulfarrblinked, whileKillik’sbrow furrowed — and before either of them could speak,Rosafrowned, and waved her quill between them. “Teachingis absolutely an extensiveSkaiskill, whether you realize it or not,” she said flatly. “AndtheSummitis the perfect time to showcase that, and maybe also to start advertising for your school, too.Becauseyouaregoing to start a school here, aren’t you?Asatellite for the mountain’s school, perhaps?”

Wait.KillikandUlfarrwere going to start a school?Here?ButwhenLouisagaped between them, they weren’t at all arguing this, just exchanging a long, meaningful look. “Ach, mayhap, ifLouisawould welcome this,”Ulfarrreplied carefully, with a glance toward her. “Theorclings here ought to have a school, so they do not fall behind.Butwe do not yet have a safe place we can devote to this.”

Hecast a rueful look across the room, to where a few telltale moans and slaps were emanating from the beds beyond the curtain.WhileKillikgave a disgruntled huff, and pointed his dagger towardRosa. “Wewishedto dig more rooms and tunnels here for this,” he snapped, “but theKa-esh have left us to moulder at the bottom of their foollist!”

Rosasniffed and kept writing, seemingly unconcerned. “Itold you,Ihave no control over that list,” she replied primly. “Andyou ought to have a better sense of your school’s potential attendance before you start sourcing a venue anyway — especially since you might have human children wanting to attend, too!Now,I’veadded classes to our list, so” — she raised her brows betweenKillikandUlfarr— “is there anything else you can think of to add?Oranyone else we ought to consult with?”

UlfarrandKillikexchanged another glance, and finallyUlfarrtook a breath, squared his shoulders. “Ishould yet wish to ask —Simon,” he said slowly. “Notonly upon these games, and the school — but whether he andMariawould welcome thisSummitat all.Ihave vowed to honour and serve them, andIshould never wish them to see this as a stand from me against them.”

Noone argued this, though neitherRosanorKilliklooked pleased about it, either. “Ican write him a letter,Isuppose,”Rosareplied, without enthusiasm, as she pulled out a fresh sheet of paper. “Canyou have it sent to him as soon as possible?Wedon’t have much time to prepare all this.”

Ulfarrnodded, whileKillikhuffed a sigh, and swiped the sheet of paper out from underRosa’snose. “Weshall write the letter,” he said, as he plunked the paper in front ofLouisa. “Makeit as pretty as you can, woman.”

Louisablinked at him, as something simmered in her belly —Killikwanted her to write the letter, on their behalf?Butyes, he was watching, waiting, his brows raised — so she nodded, and tookRosa’sproffered quill.Andthen began writing, doing her damnedest to make the letter as clear, compelling, and respectful as she possibly could.

Wetruly feel this event would honour and celebrateSkaiculture, she wrote,while also helping to protect the camp, and build connections with the broader community.Wewant to offerSkaian opportunity to rest and play and learn together, while also meeting new friends and possible mates.Andif you would welcome it— she shot a furtive look atKillik, but wrote it anyway —we would be delighted to host you as our guests of honour.

Butonce the letter was done, bothRosaandUlfarrpraised it, and evenKilliklooked grimly satisfied. “Igullis on the mountain run tonight,” he toldUlfarr, as he passed the sealed letter toward him. “Havehim wait forSimon’sreply, and bring it back tomorrow, ach?”

Ulfarrnodded, and clasped bothKillikandLouisa’sshoulders before striding out of the room.WhileRosabegan gathering up her papers, a satisfied smile on her mouth. “Excellentwork,” she said. “Now, tomorrow we’ll need to start preparing advertisements and invitations, and organizing security, and planning distribution and outreach.Andalso” — she narrowed her eyes atKillik— “this doesn’t mean you can stop your plans for updating and preparing your camp, either.I’dalso suggest you arrange a special place forSimonandMariato stay when they visit, too.Somethinglarge enough for them and their sons.”

Killikgave a deep, exasperated groan — as well he might, sinceRosaand her family were now staying in thekofithey’d originally planned forSimonandMaria. “Andalso,”Rosacontinued, with relish, “we’ll need to decorate!Andsome signage would be helpful, don’t you think?And” — she wrinkled her nose atJohn-Ka, who was still watching her with fond approval — “Ihave a thought about digging those tunnels.Noneof us will like it, though.”

Onthat ominous note, she swept up her papers, and sailed from the room, withJohn-Kaclose behind her.LeavingLouisaandKillikalone at the table, looking at each other, while those gasps and grunts kept filtering from beyond the curtain.Butit was late, and the room was otherwise empty, andKillikslowly stretched in his chair, his eyes glittering onLouisa’sface, and then…

Heleapt up, and grabbed her.Grippingher waist, hoisting her up bodily onto the table, so he could… so he could startshoving up her skirts.

“Killik!”Louisahissed, darting a look toward the door, where anyone could walk in at any moment. “Whatthe hell are youdoing!”

Sheshould have expected that derisive roll ofKillik’seyes, the mocking scoff in his throat. “Climbinga tree,” he replied. “Playinga lute.Churningbutter.”

Louisa’scursed mouth twitched, even as she sputtered an incoherent protest back toward him.Whilehe just kept prodding her upper body back to lie on the table, so he could crowd himself between her legs, oh gods…

“Iam finally gaining some relief,” he snapped, as he snatched his dagger out of his hair, and flipped it in his fingers. “Forthanks toyou,Ihave borne naught but toil and pain all this eve!Ka-esh come to stay!Classesforhumanyounglings!Anothernewkofi!Aschool!Decorations!AndaSkaiSummitforRehabilitation,Reconciliation, andRejuvenation!”

Hisvoice was viciously sharp, but it wasn’t at all matched by the bright, gleaming glint in his eyes.Asif he… didn’t really mind.Hewas only… barking at her.Seekingto play.

“Youare such an ungrateful cockroach!”Louisamanaged, between her already-gasping breaths. “We’rejust trying to help you!Andhelp your camp!And—”

Hervoice wrenched into a yelp, becauseKillikhad snapped his dagger toward her mouth, and… thrust its blade between herteeth.Notsharp, not painful, only the blunt length of it pressing long against her mouth, just enough to stop her from speaking.

“Isaid,Iwish forrelief,”Killikdrawled, his eyes glittering, as his hand reached down to the front of her dress, and began yanking it open. “Andpeace, andquiet.Nota wildSkaiharpy wailing yet more demands at me!”

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