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“Whatwere you speaking now, woman?” he drawled, as his deft fingers slipped up to catch the bead of slick white pooling inUlfarr’scleft, and then stroked it back down his spasming length. “Yetmorecodswallop,Iken?”

Theair seemed too thin,Louisa’sbrain far too sluggish, and she hauled in a gulping, shaky breath. “UlfarrandIwerediscussing,” she managed, her eyes darting back to the relative safety ofUlfarr’sface, “how irritating you are,Killik, and how enraging you are, and how you always need to be…”

Butoh,Ulfarr’sexpression was not helping, his black lashes heavy and hooded, his scarred cheeks flushed, his lips parting with his gasp.Buthis eyes were still fixed toLouisa’sface, shimmering with something between awe and unease.Asif he needed to see her, needed to be sure she didn’t mind this, needed her to want this as much as he clearly did…

“HowKillik— he always needs to be in charge,”Louisasomehow said towardUlfarr, between her heaving breaths. “Alwaysbossing other people around, trying to get his own way, to run their damned show —”

Andoh,Ulfarrwas nodding, nodding, even as he gasped and moaned, his eyes flashing on hers.Butthen he stiffened, winced, with what must have been pain, damn it — and whenLouisashot an alarmed glance downwards, she foundKillik’shand tightly squeezingUlfarr’sshuddering shaft, his black claws digging into the slick scarred skin.

“Youdonotagree with the jealous harpy,Wolf,”Killikdrawled, with a lazy snap of his sharp teeth toward her. “Youtell her youlikemy show.YoulikewhenImake you dance and sing andweepupon my stage.”

Ulfarrdidn’t reply, but he certainly wasn’t denying it, either.Andgods, that look on his face, the pleasure blazing in his eyes, the way his breaths were heaving, his black tongue sweeping at his lips…

“AndIken,”Killikcrooned, shifting downwards so he could kiss and nibble atUlfarr’sscarred ear, “for all her bleating, this woman also longs to watch you in my show.Shelongs to see how pretty you are, when you are undone thus.Sheeven longs,Iken” — his glinting eyes angled back toLouisa— “to help me make you dance for us.Ach, woman?”

Gods, this arrogant presumptuous prick,Louisadid not, she so very much did not, the craving coiling so hard she couldn’t breathe, her wide eyes desperately darting betweenKillikandUlfarr.Killiksmirking, leisurely rolling his hips up intoUlfarr’sside, nipping at his ear, stroking his straining massive cock, whileUlfarrgasped and arched and bucked beneathKillik’sministrations, his fluttering eyes still hot and intent onLouisa’sface.Seeking, questioning, wanting, and it was ringing inLouisa’sears, sparking behind her eyes…

“Ach, we can scent you, woman,” cameKillik’slow, insolent voice. “Now, asItold you — suck him.Kisshim.Helpme ready him to plough you.”

Ulfarr’sgroan was hoarse and unfeigned, his eyes shocked onKillik’sface — and oh, hell,Killikjust kept smiling at him, warm and even affectionate. “Ach, you should welcome this for tonight’s lesson,Wolf, should you not?” he murmured. “Youshould wish to finally fill this woman this night?Makeher shout and squeal upon you?Pumpher empty womb full of your strongSkaiseed?”

Ulfarrgroaned again, and damn it,Louisagasped, too — andUlfarr’seyes darting between her andKilliklooked just as hungry, just as helpless, as she felt. “Butyou did not — wish for me andLouisato do this, together,”Ulfarrgasped atKillik, between straining breaths. “Today, you — you —”

Therewas a shift inKillik’seyes, shuttering him, hiding him away — and somehow,Louisacleared her throat, found her voice. “No, he just — needed to be here,” she said, with a foolish little smile atKillik’sface. “Justneeded to be — in charge of the show, like the overbearing obnoxious tyrant he is.Shouldhave — realized.”

Ahushed stillness seemed to echo after her words — until it was broken by a shrill shout fromPollyin the next bed.AndUlfarr’sthroat bobbed, his head nodding, his gaze flicking fromKillik, toLouisa, toKillikagain. “Ach,Ifollow,” he said, hoarse. “Oughtto have —”

ButKillikshook his head, sudden and fierce, his eyes oddly bright — and then he bent down, and pressed a sharp, biting kiss toUlfarr’smouth. “Youought only to lie back,Wolf,” he breathed. “Andwelcome this sweet woman’s mouth tending to your perfect prick, ach?”

Andrather than a command this time, an order, it felt almost like a question.Aplea.Killik’sstill-bright eyes darting towardLouisa’sface, holding with a sharp simmering intensity, and why was she nodding, smiling, shifting downwards…

“Justso, sweetheart,” she murmured, and was it toKillik, orUlfarr, or both. “Nowyou just relax, and let me take care of you.”

Andgods, had she truly just said that, offered that — and was she really still doing this, she was.Slidingdown an orc’s taut, trembling body in a wide-open room, next to a loudly cavorting couple.Andoffering totake care ofhis scarred, swollen cock, while his arrogant, infuriating lover watched with hungry, approving eyes.

Andwhile his lover now shifted his grip on that huge, leaking cock, and… guided it upwards.Guidedit towardLouisa’smouth, oh gods, and nestled it against her parted lips.

“Better,”Killiksaid smugly, with a light pat to her hot cheek. “Now,gentle.Noteeth.”

Itwas utterly laughable, given how not-gentleKillikhad been withUlfarr’sgoods just now, butLouisawas still… obliging.Obeying.Kissingat that silken sputtering crown, tasting its stunning sweetness on her tongue.Whilebeneath her,Ulfarrbucked and moaned, his hands clutched to fists on the bed, his eyes wild onLouisa’sface.

Louisacouldn’t stop her own moan, vibrating through her mouth, as she kept touching, tasting, kissing at his shuddering, still-swelling cock.WhileKillik’saudacious hand slipped further downwards, curving and caressing againstUlfarr’sbig heavy bollocks.Bothof them tending to him at once, lavishing him, seeking to care for him, to comfort him…

“Markthis,Wolf,”Killikmurmured now, his hooded eyes flickering onLouisa’sface. “Lookat how lusty and comely you are, with this woman’s mouth on your perfect prick.Lookhow much goodSkaiseed you are granting her.”

Ulfarr’sgroan was hoarse, desperate, but he was nodding, watching, obeying.Hiswide eyes still shocked, dazed, onLouisa’sface, as his spasming heft spurted out more slick white, sputtering it down his length, pooling it overLouisa’sfingers.WhileKillik’sown hand slipped back up into it, too, his warm fingers brushing againstLouisa’skissing lips as he stroked up and down, coatingUlfarrwith it, oh…

“Iken you are now almost ready for her womb, ach,Wolf?”Killikpurred, so soft, so tantalizing, intoUlfarr’sear. “AndIhave already opened her up wide for you, before we came here — soIken she is ready for you, also.”

Butat that,Ulfarr’sbody stilled, his hazy eyes snapping toKillik’sface. “You— you did?” he breathed, hoarse, and oh, he was even swelling fuller againstLouisa’stongue, sputtering out more slick sweetness. “ButIcannot — scent you thus, upon her?”

Hesounded uncertain, uneasy, and almost —hopeful.Asif — as if he might have actually wanted that.Welcomedthat.

Louisa’salarmed glance up atKillikfound him snapped to stillness, looking just as unsettled as she felt. “Ach, no,Wolf,” he toldUlfarr. “Ionly used yourrassjaupon her again, ach?Sheis for you.”

Butcurse it, that was still hope, or even longing, shimmering inUlfarr’seyes. “Butwhy would you not welcome this,Killik?” he murmured back. “Ican scent your hunger for her, and you have never been one to refuse pleasure thus.Andour scents together upon her, this would be…”

Heshuddered even fuller againstLouisa’smouth, oh gods, but she’d somehow gone still and slack against him.BecauseUlfarrwasn’t truly proposing this,Killikwould never countenance this — and that was not,not, even more dizzying yearning, shudderingLouisaall over, holding her wide eyes onKillik’sface.Hewouldn’t.Hewouldn’t.

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