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Right.LouisashotUlfarran apologetic look he couldn’t see — his eyes were still tightly closed — and lowered her shaky hand back toward that slack, scarred cock.Lookingsomehow even smaller than before, more wounded, more defenseless — and it was onlyKillik’sflinty, waiting glare that finally broughtLouisa’sfingers closer, closer.Untilthey finally, briefly touched, brushing light and tentative against that soft, marred skin.

Nothinghappened, not even a twitch, andLouisashot another helpless glance towardKillik’sface — but he was still waiting, watching, his hand now stroking againstUlfarr’sstiff, corded neck. “Ach, thus,” he said, clipped. “Itis sweet to the touch, is it not?”

Thewarning flashed again in his eyes, andLouisafervently nodded, shot another chagrined look towardUlfarr’sstill-closed eyes. “Y-yes,” she stammered, as she brushed that soft skin again. “Verysmooth.Warm.Liketouching — silk.Orvelvet.”

Killik’seyes shifted, his glower slightly softening, as he kept strokingUlfarr’staut throat. “Ach, just thus,” he said, steady. “Itis even sweeter when you pet it, or hold it in your hand.”

Itwas a hint — an order — andLouisacarefully obeyed, as slowly and gently as she could.Circlingher trembling fingers around that soft nub, lifting it up, enclosing it fully inside.Fightingnot to marvel at the difference in it, compared to that huge stone she’d taken inside her, and instead just focusing on the sensation of it, the truth of it.Ofthis huge, handsome, powerful orc, lying silent and exposed in her bed, allowing her this touch, this vulnerability.This… gift.

Andit was a gift, her swirling thoughts pointed out, as she softly stroked her thumb against the warm, velvety flesh in her hand.Itwas a sign ofUlfarr’strust in her.Hiswillingness to face this with her, to show her his own truth, amidst his own fears and darkness.Allowingher to caress him, to care for him, to hold and handle him, do whatever she wished with him…

“Good, ach?” cameKillik’svoice, and whenLouisaglanced toward him, his disapproval had fully faded, his eyes sliding lazy and half-lidded betweenLouisa’shand, and her hot-feeling face. “Hepleases you, does he not?”

Louisarapidly nodded, licking her tongue at her dry-feeling lips. “Y-yes,” she choked again. “Verymuch.”

Killik’smouth curled up, and his eyes flared with satisfaction, or even triumph.Andonly then didLouisarealize thatUlfarr’seyes had opened again, too, staring at her with blank, dazed disbelief, whileKillik’shand kept caressing at his throat.

“Good,”Killiksaid, his voice low and liquid in the taut, heated silence. “Bothof you.Now, woman, mayhap you should wish to bare the rest of him, and learn it, also?”

Louisa’sbreath shuddered from her lungs, so thick that she almost didn’t catchUlfarr’sbreath shuddering out, too.Buthis wide, expressive eyes were bright and searching on hers, as if longing, begging for her answer.

“Yes,” she whispered to him, truth, truth. “I’dbe so honoured.Ifyou’d like it too, sweetheart.”

Andoh, the wayUlfarrshivered all over as he nodded, his sharp tooth biting his lip, the longing flashing in his eyes.Thesight of it spearing yet more craving intoLouisa’sbelly, her breath, and her fingers shook as she reached for the hem of his tunic, and tentatively slid it upwards.

ButUlfarrwas helping her now, his warm hands skittering against hers, guiding the tunic up and off over his head, and intoKillik’swaiting hand.AndwhenKillikwavedLouisatowardUlfarr’sboots and trousers,Ulfarrhelped her with those too, first bending up to kick his soft black boots off his huge feet, and then lying back, lifting his hips, soLouisacould pull off the trousers, too.Leavinghim lying there fully naked on the bed, his huge, powerful body utterly exposed to her hungry, searching eyes.

Gods, he was gorgeous.Despiteall the vicious scars, he was so broad, so well-built, his skin so smooth, the muscles so taut and ready beneath it.Eventhe hair all over him was lovely too, its thick black threaded with silver, most of all across his chest.Andoh, the way he was looking at her, both fearful and hopeful, as if he wanted her to approve, wanted her to want him…

“Evenbetter, ach, woman?” cameKillik’scool voice, even as he leaned back in his chair again, propping his booted foot on the bed, and then began casually sharpeningLouisa’sknife against the whetstone. “Youlike?”

Louisatwitched a fervent nod, her greedy eyes still running up and downUlfarr’sbared body, as heat pooled low in her belly.AndKilliklaughed, husky and only a little mocking, as he nudged her with his own soft black boot, and waved her knife back atUlfarr.

“Thenkeep touching him,” he ordered. “Showhim.”

Itsuddenly seemed deeply bizarre, or even profoundly unfair, what withKillikandLouisaboth still dressed, andUlfarrfully naked on the bed.ButUlfarr’seyes on hers were still so hungry, so pleading — andLouisacould only nod, yes, please, as she shifted closer, and spread her hands against the warm, smooth skin of his chest.Feelingit twitch and shiver as his breath exhaled, his eyes fluttering closed, his head tilting back with unmistakable pleasure.Wantingmore.Wantingher.

Andwith every tentative touch,Louisa’sown hunger hitched higher, too.Hewas so beautiful, so warm, so responsive.Solovely to touch, to caress, to learn.Andit felt so good, so damned good, to stroke over that smooth skin of his broad shoulders, his bulky arms, his solid chest and softer belly.Andthen back to that scarred, soft bulge at his groin, still just the perfect size to fit inLouisa’shungry fingers.

“Isthis — all right?” she croaked at him, as she circled her shaky fingers around his heavy bollocks, even as her other hand kept gently caressing his warm, velvety cock. “Itisn’t — painful?”

Hervoice sounded far too loud in the hushed, heated silence, as if she’d broken a spell — and beneath her,Ulfarr’sbig body spasmed, his eyes snapping open.Andfor a breath, he looked disoriented, alarmed, almost panicked.Hisgaze darting between her andKillik, and then widening on the sight ofLouisa’shands, fully enclosing his cock and bollocks in her careful caressing fingers.

“N-no new pain, thus,” he gulped, between heavy breaths. “B-but ach, woman, you ought —Iought — ought to touchyou.Tasteyou.Grantyou a strongSkai—”

Hischagrined eyes held to his groin again, as misery spasmed across his rapidly reddening face.Hismouth contorting, his head shaking, no, no — butLouisacouldn’t find words, her body frozen, her eyes darting toward —

Killik.Killik, already snapping forward in his chair, his eyes intent onUlfarr’sflushed face. “Notnow,Wolf,” he said, low. “Ican scent how deeply it pleases her, to touch you and see you thus.Youshould not wish to cease offering her this, or bringing her such joy, ach?”

Ulfarr’suneasy gaze flicked toLouisa’shot face, to where she was desperately drawing down air, and still fighting to find her voice.AndnowKillikwas looking at her too, his eyes flinty and assessing, his mouth curling into a chilly smile. “Andfor her next lesson,” he drawled, “Iken she wishes to taste you, ach?”

Totaste him.Louisagasped, just asUlfarrgroaned, his eyes again wide and uncertain on hers — while beside them,Killikjust kept smiling, placid and satisfied. “Ach, woman?” he asked coolly. “Youwish to kiss my wolf’s sweet prick, and taste his goodSkaiseed?”

Louisa’sheart skipped a beat, but she was already nodding, yes,yes.Andwith a jolting movement, she bent lower overUlfarr, curling her fingers closer around that soft bulging warmth, breathing in the hot scent of sweetness, her watering mouth hovering over his scarred skin —

Andthen she pressed a quiet, careful kiss to the tip of it.

Andoh, oh, she was tasting him.Tastinganorc.Andfuck, he tasted just as sweet as he smelled, and his low, rumbling moan was even more staggering sweetness, pooling more hungry heat to her groin…

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