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Hervoice trailed off, because she probably deserved that incredulous look inSune’seyes — and she sighed, squeezed her eyes shut. “Wejust — haven’t made any commitments,” she finally said. “I’mnot sure we’re all… ready for that yet.Orif we ever will be.”

Shehoped it wasn’t too much, or betrayingKillikandUlfarrsomehow, butSune’sexpression cleared, his hand again signing toward her.Butyou love them.Andthey love you.

What?Louisanearly laughed, but stopped it just in time, biting her lip — butSunewas frowning again, and nodding.Wolfloves you,he signed.Killik, also.

Louisa’sthoughts were swimming, her heart erratically pounding, because — no.Ulfarr, maybe — but notKillik.Ofcourse not.No.They’dlearned how to get along, how to find pleasure together — but it still wasn’tthat.Right?Killikhadn’t even wanted her at all, he’d only done this forUlfarr…

Soyou shall now stay,Sunesigned at her, his mouth tight.Youshall wed them, and grant them sons.

Therewas no reply to that, no words inLouisa’schurning brain, but perhapsSunedidn’t expect an answer, frowning darkly forward overMax’shead.Almostas if… as if again,hestill didn’t want that.Hedidn’t like the prospect ofLouisamarryingKillikandUlfarr, and having their sons.Didhe?

Sunewished to face the woman who will stealWolfaway from us…

Butno.Louisawould never have sons.Theirs, or anyone’s.Andshe hauled in a deep breath, let it out, as a distant whine rattled in her chest.Becauseafter all this time, she still hadn’t brought up that one crucial point withSune— or withKillikandUlfarr, either.She’dnever spoken it to anyone, not once, not ever, not afterScallhad died.Itwas too risky, too dangerous, she needed to escape, forget, run, run…

ButSunewas still frowning like that, his jaw set tight as he glared straight ahead.Andgods, he deserved to know, didn’t he?Theyall did, especiallyUlfarr— because what if he still wanted more sons, too?AndLouisaneeded to face it, needed to try,Ifear you not,Ifear you not…

“Sune, you really don’t —” she began, between her gasping breaths. “It’snot —Ican’t —”

Butbefore she could continue,Sunestraightened in the saddle, his nostrils flaring — and then he bent low, and kicked into a gallop.Headingtoward the camp with obvious urgency, andLouisaraced to catch up, her heartbeat thundering, jolting between alarm and relief.She’descaped it for now, but now —

Nowthere were people.Multiplenew people.Thefirst of their guests, beginning to arrive for theSummit.AndSunehad already leapt offMax’sback, so he could sprint straight toward two of the guests — his friendsTimoandCecily, both broadly grinning as they hauled him into a tight, excited hug.

Oh.Louisa’sdriving heartbeat slowed as she watched, and a small smile pulled at her mouth.Andthen she startled all over asKillikmaterialized beside her, and graspedMay’sbridle. “Thiswas a good surprise for him, ach?” he said, with a nod towardSuneand his friends, and then beyond them, too. “Ithas gone well, so far.”

Right.Louisafought to followKillik’seyes, to focus on the moment, on the camp.Onthis.Onall the new adults milling around behindSuneand his friends, cheerfully conversing withUlfarrand their campmates.TherewasArgarr, theSkaismith, andKittywith her two mates, andGeva, the director ofOrcMountain’sschool, together with a big, handsome orc, and an adorable, bright-eyed orcling.

AndasLouisa’sgaze settled onUlfarrspeaking to them, smiling as he welcomed them and introduced his campmates, she felt her breath exhaling, her heartbeat slowing further.BecauseUlfarrlooked — at home.Incharge.Confident, and caring, and capable, just as a leader should be.Justas aWolfshould be.

Killikwas watching too, his swallow bobbing in his throat, and for a breath, there was an almost overpowering urge to draw him close, to squeeze him tight.Tosay,Evenif this doesn’t work, even ifSimondoesn’t forgiveUlfarr, even if he’s never fully restored to his kin — you still did it,Killik.You’vehelped him.Yousaved him.

Butif it was done, finished, then where did that leaveLouisa?Ican ruin you.Provethis.Sayyour farewells.Youshall wed them, and grant them sons.Ihave no wish for you.Thewoman who will stealWolfaway from us…

“Come, woman,”Killik’slow voice said, as he passedMay’sreins into a nearbyRagni’shand. “Provethis to me.”

Provethis.Itwas enough to shove the rest of it away, for now, at least — andLouisanodded and stumbled over toward the group, smoothing out her slim black dress.Shewould face this.Provethis.

Ulfarr’seyes brightened asLouisastepped in beside him, and his hand slipped around her back, drawing her closer, while his other hand reached forKillik, too.Wantingthem both here beside him, flanking him, supporting him.

SoLouisadrew in breath, and poured her full focus into it.HelpingUlfarrgreet and welcome their guests, asking after their journeys and their children, waving them toward whereThomashad assembled a stunning buffet on all the camp’s tables.Shealso helped sort out who would be staying at her house, and then guided them over toRagni, who had agreed to escort them there — and who, together withSune, had also begun offering the horseback rides around the clearing, much to the orclings’ delight.

Itwas intriguing to meet some of the otherSkaileaders, too, and to match their faces to all the lettersLouisahad written.Tarrfrom the western camp was a big, burly fellow with a mashed nose and a broad grin, andAirikfrom the south was lean and watchful, speaking in fluent signs toKillikandUlfarr.WhileRurik, theSkaihealerKillikhad mentioned, was tall and startlingly handsome, with a cool smile that didn’t at all touch his pale, glittering eyes.

“Anotherbored noblewoman, then?” he askedKillik, with a jerk of his head towardLouisa. “Ofall the women in the realm you could have hunted for yourelskan?”

Louisablinked, while beside her,Killik’seyes blazed with sudden, surprising ferocity, his hand clamping against her side. “Ach, and you ken you could do better,” he drawled, “than a fierce, hungry, handsome woman with good lands, muchSkaiskill, and the ear of the most powerful orcs and women amongst us!”

Rurik’smouth pursed, his eyes running up and downLouisa’sbody, whileKillik’smouth widened into a chilly, vicious smile. “Andwhat woman have you found for your ownelskan?” he added. “Ordo you even yet have one?Ach, there is a northernKa-esh here who you may wish to scent,Iken.”

Alook of genuine alarm flashed across thisRurik’seyes, and he spun around and stalked off, his claws jutting from his fingers.LeavingLouisato angle an uneasy glance towardKillik, who rolled his eyes, and gave her arm a reassuring little pat. “Rurik’sfavourite pet is a pretty little orc at the mountain whoFilakhas been ploughing for many moons now,” he said lightly. “Whatcurse hasSkai-kesh cast upon me, thatIamgladdenedby aKa-esh stealing aSkai’smate.”

Louisalaughed, but her heart was oddly skipping — not only atKilliktelling her this, gossiping with her like this, but also at what he’d said about her.Afierce, hungry, handsome woman, with muchSkaiskill…

ButKillikwas already looking away, grinning at where theSkai’sRightHandDraflihad arrived with his mates and son — and behindDrafliwas a beamingJule, with her own mate and sons in tow. “Louisa!”Juleexclaimed, rushing over to pullLouisainto a tight hug. “Oh, it’s so good to see you again!Andso brilliant of you to organize thisSummit, too.”

Louisasmiled as she waved it away, but she’d again caughtKillik’seyes, and found them glinting with something almost like pride.Asif he really had meant what he’d said about her being a fierce, hungry, worthy woman.Awoman who was pleasing him, proving this to him…

SoLouisaagain focused on speaking, smiling, standing byUlfarr’sside, being a good host to their guests.Andit still all seemed to be going even better than they could have hoped — at least, untilUlfarrstiffened besideLouisa, his eyes snapped toward the trees.

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