Page 14 of Yuled By the Orcs

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This, it turned out, onceLydiahad unwrapped the cloth, was a slim, shining steel dagger, encased in a beautifully stamped leather scabbard.AndTryg’seyes indeed lit up at the sight of it, and he enthusiastically snatched it fromLydia’shand, inspecting the blade with a critical eye. “Ach, it matches yours,elskan!” he said delightedly. “Didyou haveArgarrforge this for her?Sothoughtful, my sweet!”

Tryglooked truly thrilled by this development, andLydiacouldn’t help laughing as she took the dagger back, and gingerly drew it out of its leather scabbard. “Ihave… never touched a weapon before,” she confessed towardEzog, with a wince. “Inmy life.”

Butthe warmth kept shimmering inEzog’seyes, and he passed another similar-looking package across the table towardTryg. “Justas well,” he said lightly. “IkenTrygshall take great joy in teaching you, ach?”

Withthat,Ezogbegan loading upLydia’splate withTryg’sdelicious-smelling cooking, whileTrygswiftly unwrapped his own package, and again crowed with delight.AndLydiawasn’t at all surprised to see that it was another dagger, though this one was far sharper and more deadly-looking, with only a slight jut of steel for a hilt, and a pointed, gleaming tip.

“Ach, is thisArgarr’snew throwing design,elskan?!”Trygdemanded, his eyes sparkling — and without warning, he flipped the dagger in his hand, and hurled it across the room.Towhere —Lydia’smouth dropped open — it stuck point-first into the wooden doorframe, its hilt end shuddering with the impact.

“Ach, look at that!”Trygexclaimed, as he leapt up and rushed over to pluck it out of the wood — only to hurl it back across the room, to where it sank deep into the opposite wall. “Perfectweight and balance,elskan!Idid not yet own one, thus!”

Ezogwas beaming towardTryg, his eyes bright and indulgent. “Ithought this should please you,” he told him, as he went to collect two more plates from the shelf, and then began loading them up with food, too. “Now, go greet our guests, ach?”

Tryghad already whirled around toward the door, flinging it wide open, because — oh.Therewere two more orcs, standing in the snow just outside.Theywere both younger-looking orcs,Lydiarealized, and one of them was laughing with ratherTryg-like glee, and hurling himself bodily intoTryg’sarms.

“Pa!” he exclaimed, in a voice that again sounded unnervingly likeTryg’s, as he thudded his fist againstTryg’sback. “Ach, what’s this?Yournew woman, andPabbi?”

Trygsqueezed the orc tight, rocking him back and forth, and then drew backward, enthusiastically waving him and the second orc inside.Andnow thatLydiacould see them both properly, she realized that the first orc — the one who’d calledTrygPa— was most certainly his sonTryggr.Hehad the same tall, lean body, the same quick confident grin, and his long black hair was even tied up into the same messy knot on his head.Whilethe second orc — who was shorter, slimmer, and exceedingly handsome — looked far neater, and also far less sure of himself.Histunic and trousers were perfectly fitted, his hair pulled into a tight braid, and he was biting his lip, and fingering uncertainly at the thick gold choker around his neck.

“Ach, but first we must meet,”Trygsaid firmly, slinging his long arm around his son’s neck, and drawing him forward. “Son, this is our sweet new woman,Lydia, who’s brought us great joy thisYule.Andwoman, this is m’boyTryggr, the wisest youngSkaiyou’ll ever meet!An’ this is his sweet clever mate,Eben, ofClanKa-esh.”

ThisEbenwas still looking unmistakably self-conscious, butTryggrhad pulled him close too, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “Thesweetest,” he said, with a swift, affectionate grin down toward him, before lurching forward again, toward —Ezog?Butyes, yes, thisTryggrwas throwing his arms aroundEzogtoo, rocking him back and forth, andEzogwas folding him close, as a slow smile spread across his mouth.

“HappyYule, son,”Ezogsaid, husky. “Weare honoured to welcome you both, ach?”

Lydiawas still blinking at all this —EzogcalledTryggrson, too? — andTryggrwas easily grinning as he drew away again, his fist bumpingEzog’sback. “Youtoo,Pabbi,” he said brightly, as his dancing eyes flicked towardLydia. “An’ you, woman!I’velong wondered whatPawas about with you, butIkenImostly follow now, ach?”

Lydiawas again feeling decidedly lost, but she couldn’t help smiling warmly back at thisTryggranyway. “I’mso happy to finally meet you,” she said, without even a hitch in her voice. “I’veheard so much about you.”

Tryggrkept grinning toward her, his head shaking, his eyes alight. “Ach, wishIcould say the same, woman,” he said cheerfully, “butPa’srefused to say a word about you!Knewhe was up to some sorta oldSkaitrickery, ach?”

Heraised an imperious brow atTryg, and toLydia’ssurprise,Trygwas actually looking a little sheepish, and waving them toward the table. “Feastfirst,” he said, “and then tales, ach?”

Soonthey were all seated around the small table, which turned out to only have three chairs — butTryggronly pulledEbendown onto his lap, andLydiasomehow found herself settled ontoEzog’s, too.WhileTrygdoled out generous portions of steaming, succulent-smelling breakfast, and poured them multiple mugs of ale and cider.

“Sowhat’s the tale,Pa?”Trygdemanded, once they’d all begun tucking in. “Youken if you don’t tell me,I’llget it all outtaPabbilater, so out with it, ach?”

He’dshot a teasing grin over towardEzogas he’d spoken, and suddenlyLydiacould easily seeEzogas the soft-hearted, perpetually indulgent father figure, who would willingly giveTryggrwhatever he wished.WhileTryghimself would no doubt be a far more demanding father, but surely a highly entertaining one, too.

“Ach, ach,”Trygreplied, with a rueful grin, as he tossed a whole mushroom into his mouth. “Rememberedthis oldSkaiway my ownpabbispoke of.HowatYule,Skai-kesh will oft bless a gift, if it’s made freely.”

Oh.Wait.Becausethat was new too, wasn’t it?AndLydia’ssearching glance atEzogbehind her found him looking both exasperated and indulgent, his eyes glimmering onTryg’sface.Andin return,Trygreached over and claspedEzog’sknee beneath the table, giving it a companionable little shake. “I’vehad the worst luck, finding a good woman to share with my sweetelskan,” he continued, with a grimace. “ButIknew he yet longed for this, soIwent toSkai-kesh, one last time, and prayed and prayed upon this.AndthenIwent hunting… and foundyou, woman.”

Hiseyes angled towardLydia, glinting with warmth and approval. “Shewas perfect, ach?” he said, his voice lowering. “Soft, and sweet, and kind, and eager to work and gain my praise.Justas myelskan.Justas most pleases me.”

Tryggrcast a brief, appreciative glance across the table towardLydia, before pullingEbena little closer on his lap. “Ach, me also,” he replied. “Andso?”

“SoItested her, and sought not to hope,”Trygsaid, with a wincing grimace. “Soughtnot to oft speak of her, not even to my sweetelskan, forIdidn’t wish to raise his hopes either, ach?ButIcould taste his sadness upon this, his longing to please me.Andso,Iasked him to be myYulegift to her, in hopes of gainingSkai-kesh’s blessing.Andthis was a good test for her also, ach?Catchher by surprise, you ken, so she could not speak false, or seek to trick me.”

Atthat,Tryggrgroaned aloud, and without warning, his fist snapped out, and punchedTrygin the arm. “Youold weasel,Pa!” he said, with genuine heat in his voice. “Pabbi, you oughta tossed him out over this!Goneand found yourself a sweet prettyKa-esh instead!”

He’dburied his face inEben’shair, as if drawing much-needed strength from his scent — but behindLydia,Ezogwas smiling again, and shaking his head. “Ach, it has been a long time for your blood-father andI, son,” he said softly. “Itrust mySkaiand his father-god, ach?Iken they shall always care for me.”

Tryggrwas still sputtering, and jabbing a sharp finger toward his father. “You’redamned lucky it worked out,Pa,” he said flatly. “Itwould’ve served you right, to lose both of ’em.Toeach other, mayhap.”

Heshot a sudden, suspicious look towardLydiaandEzog, and then back atTrygagain. “Youget ’em to swear vows to you, at least?” he demanded. “Youclaim them, and do it all properly?”

Tryg’ssilver brows had deeply furrowed, his eyes glancing back towardLydiaandEzog. “Ihave been… remiss, in swearing vows to myelskan,” he murmured. “ButIhope, mayhap,Ihave now gained this, with a good long rut upon ’em both, all thisYule’sEve.Mustspeak toBoss, and then ourEnforcer, andSkai-kesh.”

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