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“Put something on!” she whisper-yelled, but was too late as he was already gone. She ran out of the room, only to see her dog as happy as can be as he slithered through her legs that were frantically going in search of Benjamin and Archer.

She spotted them in the kitchen and saw Archer standing with a glass of water and Benjamin standing across from him. Delilah’s look was one of pure fear as she watched Archer, who was still shirtless, acting like this was completely natural and looking as if he couldn’t be more unbothered.

“Ahh, Delilah... It’s good to see you,” Benjamin said, and she waved at him cautiously.

“Hi, Benny.”

“I’m sure you have a bit of explaining to do?” Benjamin stated rather than asked, and she gulped as she approached the two slowly.

“Unfortunately… this all seems rather self-explanatory. I’d rather not go into details.”

Benjamin hummed. “Interesting. No matter how self-explanatory your situation seems to be… I’m not sure howit’ll translate when I report to your father about my trip,” he muttered, and Delilah groaned as she hid her face in her hands.

She felt someone’s hand on her lower back, and she immediately smacked Archer’s wandering hands away as she scowled.

Benjamin watched the interaction and held his hand up once he saw she wanted to say something else.

“That said, you’re an adult, Delilah. I’m sure you’re aware of the decisions and…mistakesyou are making,” he said, emphasizing the word “mistakes,” which caused Archer to feel slightly offended.

“In your own time, you’ll fill in your father and face his wrath without me. I’d like to remain alive, if you must know,” he muttered, and Delilah could only roll her eyes.

So much for being supportive or optimistic, Benny,she thought to herself.

He continued, “Just know that it’s not only me who is aware of your forbidden relationship. Obviously Kimiko is aware, but Nathan and Reginald are also well informed.”

Delilah’s hand dropped from her face as she narrowed her eyes.

“And how does Regi know, Benny?” she asked, tilting her head.

Benjamin cleared his throat as he’d been caught and checked his watch. “It’s best I get going now. I will see you for dinner. And, in the meantime, use protection,” he muttered, leaving the kitchen.

Delilah groaned, embarrassed, as she felt Archer’s arms wrap around her as he pulled her into his chest.

“This is going to end in a disaster,” she said, feeling defeated, and he nodded.

“A disaster would be charming, but a ‘shitstorm’ is a better way of describing it.”

She leaned into his hold as he ran his hands up and down her arm.

Benjamin walked back into the room slowly and went to speak but was silenced once he caught a glimpse of Archer’s back as he held Delilah in his arms.

He could remember multiple occasions when he was the one to break up their small moments of intimacy, but he stepped back out of the room because he decided it shouldn’t have to be the case any longer. He could only hope for the best for the young couple—but he knew that would be too good to be true.

Chapter twenty-nine


“Archer, stop being such a baby.” I rolled my eyes as he walked me to my terminal.

Our jets were leaving on opposite sides of the airport, and for some reason, he felt upset that he couldn’t accompany me home.

“I just don’t understand why you want to go by yourself. Give Kimiko, Benjamin, and the other two my jet, and we can enjoy this ten-hour flight together,” he somewhat whispered, but I could tell from the looks on Avery and Nathan’s faces that they were not too happy with his comment.

“You’ll be fine. We’ll see each other a little later. Now go. Your jet is waiting for you.”

“I want you to keep me company,” he continued as if it was the simplest thing in the world.

I grabbed his hands in mine as we stopped and stroked his palm. “My parents and Kimi’s parents will be waiting for my plane and, if not them, our other security. We don’t need more of an audience to our relationship, okay? And besides, your plan didn’t include Sterling, and he’s going with you.”

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